Great War - Mental vs. Physical?

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 23 07:36:05 EST 1995

Subject: Great War - Mental vs. Physical?
+  1: Nov 17, 1995: tvsbrent at (TVs Brent)
   2: Nov 20, 1995: max.beaudoin at (MAX BEAUDOIN)
   3: Nov 20, 1995: kmunoz at (Kevin Muñoz)
   4: Nov 20, 1995: thoth256 at (Evelio Perez-Albuerne)
   5: Nov 20, 1995: despeign at (Peronet Despeignes)
   6: Nov 20, 1995: sysbrc at CNSVAX.ALBANY.EDU (Gandalf the Grey)
+  7: Nov 21, 1995: Matthew W Buckley <mbbi+ at>
*  8: Nov 22, 1995: straczynski at


From: tvsbrent at (TVs Brent)
Lines: 52

Just in case . . . 
[Slight Spoilers for MOH and other episodes in general]
[That should about do it]
  OK, here's a random thought.  For the past few weeks, I've been
reviewing some B5 episodes, and I've noticed something interesting.  In
all the times we've seen Shadows (you can count them on one hand), they
have shown no mental powers
(telepathy, telekinesis, etc.).  They even need to direct Morden verbally,
as we heard in MOH.  Now, the Vorlons and other goodies have shown mental
powers, ex. Kosh "revealing" himself as a being of light.  Also, the
Shadows have infiltrated and corrupted Earth's mental Corp (pun intended).
 Could it be possible that the Great War, or at least one of the
compontents of it, might be the Shadows attempt to get mental powers? 
Perhaps this would allow them to "ascend" to higher planes of
consciousness (sp).  Threading my logic even thinner, perhaps the First
Ones and other races do not want them to.  Why?  I dunno.  It seems
strange that a race as old and powerful as the Shadows would not be able
to "ascend".
  Any thoughts?
  "We've broken through the Space-Time Continium . . .
         and passed the savings on to you!"
			-TV's Frank, MST3K #419

  Brent Schmidt				TVsBrent at


From: Matthew W Buckley <mbbi+ at>
Lines: 22

Excerpts from 20-Nov-95 Re: Great War 
- Mental vs... by Kevin Muoz at cs.oberlin.e 
> Not true. Remember, they can make themselves invisible or visible at whim,
> or more properly put, can make themselves seen or not seen. This may be
> a device or it may be psi...

That was most probably technological, since cameras picked them up
with the right adjustments.  A more apt example is the "scream" heard
by people near shadow ships, or Talia's reaction to Morden, or the 
connection between the Organ Eater (tm) and its prey.  These all seem
obviously psi. (but who knows?)

 _  _                  __
/ \/ \   |  |   |   | |__| |    |    /__  Read it upside           <*>
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|    | |__| |   |   |  |   \_/\_/ # Matthew Buckley: sauron+ at #
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From: straczynski at
Lines: 4

      Actually, in the comic, you never saw shadows influencing anyone's
mind; you saw their humanoid (in this case) servents doing this.


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