ATTN JMS- Peter David.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Oct 14 06:31:30 EDT 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS- Peter David.
+  1: Oct 13, 1995: jwolf at (James A. Wolf)
+  2: Oct 13, 1995: jwolf at (James A. Wolf)
*  3: Oct 14, 1995: straczynski at


From: jwolf at (James A. Wolf)
Lines: 32

engkent at (Engkent) wrote:

>I don't pay enough attention to the credits. Could some one please tell me 
>which episodes Peter David has done?

Soul Mates (Barefoot in the Park, or My Three Wives) and There All
Honor Lies (The Teddy Bear Picnic or Deep Space Franchise).

>Thanks in advance,

>David Engkent

You're Welcome.

James A. Wolf - jwolf at

"One of the principal lessons of our tragic century,
which has seen so many millions of innocent lives 
sacrificed in schemes to improve the lot of humanity, 
is - beware intellectuals.  Not merely should they be 
kept well away from the levers of power, they should 
also be objects of particular scorn when they seek to 
offer collective advice."
Paul Johnson
Who cares 'bot the pop bottles flying,
The hisses and boos?
The team has been consistent.
(Yeah, we always lose!)
>From 'Heart' in the musical 'Damn Yankees'


From: jwolf at (James A. Wolf)
Lines: 24

	Mr. Straczynski, is Peter David scheduled to write any more episodes
of B-5?  I have always found his work to be tremedously enjoyable and
his B-S stories were definitely no exception.

	Thank you for your time.

James A. Wolf - jwolf at

"One of the principal lessons of our tragic century,
which has seen so many millions of innocent lives 
sacrificed in schemes to improve the lot of humanity, 
is - beware intellectuals.  Not merely should they be 
kept well away from the levers of power, they should 
also be objects of particular scorn when they seek to 
offer collective advice."
Paul Johnson
Who cares 'bot the pop bottles flying,
The hisses and boos?
The team has been consistent.
(Yeah, we always lose!)
>From 'Heart' in the musical 'Damn Yankees'


From: straczynski at
Lines: 3

     I'm certainly open to his doing more for us.

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