B5 slips under Time Magazine radar

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Jul 6 06:29:39 EDT 1996

Subject: B5 slips under Time Magazine radar
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul  4, 1996: davidlee at umich.edu (David S. Lee)
+  2: Jul  5, 1996: "David W. Knisely" <dk84538 at ltec.net>
*  3: Jul  5, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: davidlee at umich.edu (David S. Lee)
Lines: 17

This week's cover story in _Time_ Magazine dealt with sci-fi in general,
but mostly with the new movie Independence Day.  Many works of TV/movies
(eg. new ST movie, new Alien movie, X-files, 3rd Rock, etc.) were touched
upon, but B5 (ironically, part of the Time-Warner pantheon) was totally

Other than that, the article was okay--besides dealing with the new movie,
it talked about some recent cultural trends as it relates to popular

David S. Lee  (internet:  davidlee at umich.edu)
Department of Otolaryngology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109              http://www-personal.umich.edu/~davidlee/


From: "David W. Knisely" <dk84538 at ltec.net>
Lines: 20

Hi there.  I wonder if Time's letters to the editor has an e-mail address?  As an 
aside, The Omaha World Hearld had an article about TV science fiction and e-mail, 
highlighting some poor fool who was trying to get Fox to reconsider its cancellation 
of SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND (the most logical decision they ever made).  One person 
quoted later in the article said that at the present time, the best science fiction 
show on TV is BABYLON 5 (surprise, surprise).

As for Independence Day, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of F18's could out 
maneuver and outfight a mile-wide interstellar ship which just vaporized most 
of the major cities on the east coast (they must have borrowed the writers from ST: 
VOYAGER).  I wonder if the Vorlons (or the Shadows) had anything to do with this?

David Knisely

BABYLON 5:  Our last best hope for QUALITY science fiction.


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 14

Yeah, I noticed that.  The St shows were mentioned, Lost in Space, MST3K,
Sliders, and several shows not even on the air yet...and B5 gets mentioned
not at all.  Insofar as I can tell, we're the ONLY current SF show not

Y'know, as I think of it, the email address for Time is
letters at time.com...wouldn't it be great if they came back from the
vacation to find a B5 snowstorm waiting for them...?


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