ATTN JMS: the hype for Star Trek-Voyager

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 25 06:20:00 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: the hype for Star Trek-Voyager
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct 25, 1996: brian.handel at
*  2: Oct 25, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: brian.handel at
Lines: 26

     It amazes me how UPN pushes Voyager as new and improved when 
     for the most part its still the same crap. Even at its best, 
     the ep with George Takai, is rehashing old stuff. My 
     frustration is the lack of media attention for B5. I talk to 
     people who watch sci-fi shows(what few there are) and B5 
     always comes out on top. Sacramento is supposed to be a big 
     sci-fi town yet Rick Kushman(tv critic for the Sacramento 
     Bee) tells me he is not impressed with B5, doesn't have time 
     to watch every tv show(I thought thats what his job was!) 
     and just gushes over Star Trek. B5 wins awards and yet 
     outside of the sci-fi mags no mention is made of this 
     wonderful show. It is frustrating to me as a fan of B5, and 
     I can only imagine what it must be for you and all the 
     people who work on this production, to not see B5 get the 
     recognition it deserves. Just had to vent. Any thought of 
     ever doing location shooting or are the cost considerations 
     too high to do that? I was driving in the southwest and just 
     saw some landscapes that were out of this world. Anyway 
     thanks for the great entertainment....."the rock cried out" 
     was great! hope you do more tv stuff! silly question but 
     what is your favorite episode of B5 or do you love them all? 
     btw...outside of Reno on hwy 50 a guy has a vw beetle 
     painted in black on long legs(a black widow spider kind of 
     thing, I'm talking 25 foot legs here. I always think of 
     shadow ships when I see it. at least a fuel efficent one 
     anyway.) take care.................and thank you.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

I agree.  I've more or less reconciled myself to the reality that this
show is only going to get its proper recognition once we've finished it,
and it's running in long term syndication.  Such is life.


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