The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 27 06:25:05 EST 1997

From: "Michael W. Butler" <Michael.Butler at>
Date: 26 Nov 1997 00:08:08 -0500
Lines: 71

Spoilers for The Deconstruction of Falling Stars.


I really only started seeing B5 regularly near the end of
Season 4 (had caught some parts over the years but didn't
really get 'hooked' until about 2 episodes before 'Endgame').
Being on the West Coast of the US, I'll get to use that
torture device, the VCR timer, to try to see what happened

Anyway, a couple of questions/observations:

1) Will TNT 'shave' the show to put in more commercials?

2) Is there a book or CD or site that you, JMS, would recommend
as a way for someone to pick up the story.  I guess I'm looking
for a little condensation of your 'TV-presented Novel' (I think
you've indicated you look at B5 like a novel, but on TV instead
of printed pages).  Any help greatly appreciated.

3) On 'Deconstruction', I guess I went thru the same set of
stages that some others did.  

First level was depression, that
it was sad to see humanity so set to tear Sheridan and DeLenn
down. When she came in and just squashed the (alledged) scholars,
it was most refreshing.  With the holograms, it was kind of a
pity Garibaldi couldn't 'switch on' the others back on to feel
the victory.

But then I did finally see the underlying premise.  The same one
in the end-card.  Right now, most people see it as a way to
thumb your nose at the people who kept waiting for B5 to fail.
But years from now, that will be forgotten and people will think
of it as meaning that the Babylon station concept succeeded.
And finally that humanity, despite itself, will get better.

Faith endures.

Thanks for reading a rather long and tardy message.

And thanks for sharing with us.


PS: Whatever happened to Lyta after 'EndGame'?

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Nov 1997 00:15:41 -0700
Lines: 14

>1) Will TNT 'shave' the show to put in more commercials?


>2) Is there a book or CD or site that you, JMS, would recommend
>as a way for someone to pick up the story.

There's the lurker's guide ( and, and the new
B5 informational CDrom which just came out has heaps of info about the B5

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