Racing the Night (Spoilers included, and some for The Path of

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Aug 10 04:57:54 EDT 1999

From: geoduck at (Geoduck)
Date: 8 Aug 1999 15:42:34 -0600
Lines: 46

On 5 Aug 1999 18:21:53 -0600, lessxtreme at (LessXTreme) wrote:

>Spoilers...don't look if ya don't wanna....
>One thing keeps bugging me, though-what's with the Shadows? Do they just like
>screwing with people? They destroyed the Cerberus (and NOT the Technomage
>fleet, surprisingly enough), 

Since we have never seen a ship like the one that destroyed the
Cerberus, we don't know for a 100% certain fact that it was a Shadow
ship. If the series had gone on, I imagine we would have learned what
was really going on in that scene.

geoduck at

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Aug 1999 16:42:31 -0600
Lines: 18

>Since we have never seen a ship like the one that destroyed the
>Cerberus, we don't know for a 100% certain fact that it was a Shadow
>ship. If the series had gone on, I imagine we would have learned what
>was really going on in that scene.

It was discovered in episode 14, "To the Ends of the Earth," and dealt with
further in "End of the Road," the season cliffhanger, neither of which were
filmed but both were written.


(jmsatb5 at
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