Ellison Book from Borderland

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sun Nov 5 06:23:39 EST 1995

Subject: Ellison Book from Borderland
+  1: Oct 31, 1995: ezaf172 at hpcf.cc.utexas.edu (Kip Ingram)
*  2: Nov  3, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com


From: ezaf172 at hpcf.cc.utexas.edu (Kip Ingram)
Lines: 17

Hi.  I just called Borderland Press to check the status of the City on the
Edge of Forever book by Ellison.  The answering machine said that shipment
had been delayed from October to mid-November by Ellison because he wanted
to correct some errors.

Just thought I'd pass it along.


Kip Ingram                                       k.ingram at mail.utexas.edu
In that perfect hour all shadows had left earth and sky, and but form and
colour remained: form, as a differing of color from color, rather than as
a matter of line and edge (which indeed were departed with the shadows).
O===|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|===O


From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 5

     Actually, the delay is now gone.  Harlan's book is completed, and
is being shipped.  Many copies have already gone out.  (Yes, I have mine,
and it's really a gorgeous book.)


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