ATTN: JMS I'll send you TV Week and my published letter

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 11 06:42:04 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN: JMS I'll send you TV Week and my published letter
+  1: Nov  9, 1995: Babylon at (Jeffrey Louis Bauer)
+  2: Nov 10, 1995: zafaran at (Zafaran)
*  3: Nov 11, 1995: straczynski at


From: Babylon at (Jeffrey Louis Bauer)
Lines: 35

	JMS:  After seeing B5 on the cover of the Pittsburgh 
Post-Gazette's TV Week, I wrote them a letter of thanks for finally 
promoting the show locally.  After all, that's what counts.  The 
article also promoted me to write my local station, WPTT #22 in 
Pittsburgh, thanking them for treating the Pittsburgh B5 fans so well. 
 The paper emailed me asking if they could print my letter.  I gave 
them permission (who wouldn't?).  Seems there are a few rabid B5 fans 
on the paper's staff.
	I forwarded this news to the editors of Babylon 5-Online, and 
Jan Venters told me that you love to receive local coverage of B5 of 
any sort.  She also told me to perhaps send you a copy of the paper 
with my published letter.  Heck, if I can give you something back, it's 
the least I can do. Is this address correct?
	Suite 260
	14431 Ventura Boulevard
	Sherman Oaks CA 91423

	This is all an attempt on my part to get people to write their 
local stations, and papers, even if B5 is treated well by their market. 
 Too many fans out there wait until the axe has fallen.  If the station 
is sharpening the axe, a letter of support may prompt them to return it 
to it's place on the wall.  

	Jeff Bauer
	Babylon at
	Snail mail:  342 Bauer Drive
	Wexford PA 15090

	"Be warned.  There are bad dreams for those who sleep unwisely."

	Count Dracula
	Bram Stoker


From: zafaran at (Zafaran)
Lines: 25

In article <47tbid$f74_001 at>,
Babylon at (Jeffrey Louis Bauer) writes:

> Is this address correct?
>	Suite 260
>	14431 Ventura Boulevard
>	Sherman Oaks CA 91423

You need to also remember to put 

C/O Babylon 5

this is basically a mail drop for the cast and crew.  It's not the B5
production offices, and they need to know where to reroute the mail.

Take care,

Patricia A. Swan      zafaran at       zafaran at
76571.2671 at                    [domain name pending]
Carolina Word and Data Services, 213 Franklin St., Bryson City, NC


From: straczynski at
Lines: 4

     Yes, the address is correct; I look forward to getting the material.
And thanks for staying out there and supporting the show.


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