B5 rips off Trek Again! (TFON Spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Nov 11 06:40:26 EST 1995

Subject: B5 rips off Trek Again! (TFON Spoilers)
+  1: 	: strueb at aol.com (Strueb)
   2: 	: tomvall at ix.netcom.com (Thomas A. Vallejos )
   3: Nov  9, 1995: carey at gcrca.biostat.wisc.edu (Carey)
   4: Nov  9, 1995: aitala at beauty1.phy.olemiss.edu (Eric Aitala)
   5: Nov  9, 1995: scphill at ibm.net
   6: Nov  9, 1995: carey at gcrca.biostat.wisc.edu (Carey)
   7: Nov  9, 1995: karenlee at ix.netcom.com (Karen Lee )
   8: Nov  9, 1995: Lord Thanatos <CL94 at uk.ac.kcl.ph.maxwel>
   9: Nov 10, 1995: Brian Wells <bwells at avl.com>
+ 10: Nov 10, 1995: Robert Holland <rholland at triton.mayfield.hp.com>
* 11: Nov 11, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com


From: strueb at aol.com (Strueb)
Lines: 59

In article <47ss10$1ivc at news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net>, scphill at ibm.net writes:

>In <47sa7u$1f0a at news.doit.wisc.edu>, carey at gcrca.biostat.wisc.edu (Carey)
>>Spoilers for The Fall on Night follow
>>Yes, B5 copies from Star Trek once again.  No doubt those that jumped on
>>B5 for copying the Jack the Ripper story will be equally appalled as JMS
>>has copied Trek in TFON.  The whole Kosh-as-Angel schtick is nothing
>>more than a blantant rip-off of that Trek classic "And the children
>>shall lead".  I fully expect Kosh to start melting in an upcoming
>>episode like that other angel did (crying out "I will kill you all, you
>>all will die--" etc.).
>At the risk of starting another flame war, let me say that there is a
>difference between FoN and
>"And the Children Shall Lead".
>"Fall of Night" is good.
>Before you jump on me and say that I therefore hate ST:TOS, I don't.  I
am a
>first generation Trek fan, having watched it from
>its premiere way back when and I admired Trek for doing good sf on
>in a time where such things were just not heard
>of.  But I do recognize that some episodes were better than others and
>the Children Shall Lead" was, to put it mildly, tripe.
>Not as bad as "Spock's Brain", but tripe nonetheless.
>In FON, we see Kosh as an angelic being.  That does not mean the he is an
>angel.  That does not mean the he is what we see him
>to be.
>Aw heck; somebody is just going to turn all my words around and make them
>something I don't mean anyway, so why bother?

At the risk of putting my foot in my mouth (but what the heck - I've done
it before) did anyone besides me find the original post humorous?  As in
it was supposed to be a joke...?  It seems it was either that or a troll -
in either case that it was not serious?  It seemed to be done in the
manner of JMS ripping off J. Michael...

'Course, I could be wrong...

Wes Struebing


From: Robert Holland <rholland at triton.mayfield.hp.com>
Lines: 23

strueb at aol.com (Strueb) wrote:

>At the risk of putting my foot in my mouth (but what the heck - I've done
>it before) did anyone besides me find the original post humorous?  As in
>it was supposed to be a joke...?  It seems it was either that or a troll -
>in either case that it was not serious?  It seemed to be done in the
>manner of JMS ripping off J. Michael...
>'Course, I could be wrong...
>Wes Struebing

Sure looked like a spoof to me, Wes. I'm just waiting for the "JMS resurrects
Robin Hood, rips off STNG" thread.

Men in tights, indeed! He's a stick-fightin' man. 

I'm surprised he didn't recruit that thug who blocked his path. That's how 
Robin Hood recruited Little John...



From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 7

     I'm sorry, but anyone who thinks the use of an angelic (or seemingly
angelic character), whose likes have been written about for, oh, about
4,000 years, is ripping off Star Trek, has his head so thoroughly up his
ass as to have blipped into an entirely new intestinally-based reality
and desperately needs to get a wider frame of reference.


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