JMS: Pgh review (& very minor spoilers TFoN)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 11 06:39:39 EST 1995

Subject: JMS: Pgh review (& very minor spoilers TFoN)
+  1: Nov  9, 1995: frankel at (David Frankel )
*  2: Nov 11, 1995: straczynski at


From: frankel at (David Frankel )
Lines: 37

Just a brief FYI:  My mother (the B5 fan) just arrived for a visit, after
several days in Pittsburgh.  She tells me that the Pgh Press Sunday weekly
TV guide had a cover article on B5.  She didn't bring me a copy because she
says it was not a particularly kind or well-informed review.  For example,
she said the article cited the series for a lack of depth.  (Excuse me are
we watching the same series, here?)

Anyways, my grandmother is saving a copy for me and I will try to mail a
copy to you ASAP.  That is unless you are having difficulty with blood
pressure control, and could do without the aggravation.

On another tack - I am happy to say I have a new favorite episode in TFON.
Not for the <revelation> of Kosh ;) but rather for that sense we often get
from episodes barreling out of control at 90 mph with no brakes.  I found
myself reaching for a pause button on a remote that wouldn't work, since I
was watching the episode live; the commercial breaks were not long enough
for me to catch my breath before we were off and running - no racing -
again.  Much like TCoS which seemed to lurch and turn in directions
unexpected.  ( My mother can't wait to see it, but is waiting until after
she sees the first season episodes she hadn't seen until now.  I don't know
that I could have such restraint.)

Also the finale gave me an incredible sense of calm and a desire to commit
my life to a greater cause (more on this some other time, perhaps).  Also a
great episode to watch as an affirmation of faith.  

Thank-you once again!

Okay, so the brief FYI got out of control; Sorry.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind
"Pooh" he whispered
"Yes, Piglet?"
Nothing, said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."
David G. Frankel  \/


From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

     David: thanks, and I'm pleased that the show has that effect.  It is
a moving, effective episode, I think.  (Got a copy of the article,


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