What to get jms for christmas???

b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu
Mon Nov 20 06:54:48 EST 1995

Subject: What to get jms for christmas???
+  1: Nov 17, 1995: denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us (Jay Denebeim)
   2: Nov 19, 1995: jdunn at unlinfo.unl.edu (Jack Dunn)
+  3: Nov 19, 1995: at850 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thomas McCambley)
*  4: Nov 19, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com
   5: Nov 19, 1995: Cybie at cris.com (Greg Morgan)
   6: Nov 19, 1995: jegolf at xnet.com (J.M.Egolf)
   7: Nov 19, 1995: elana at netcom.com (Elana who?)
   8: Nov 19, 1995: denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us (Jay Denebeim)
   9: Nov 19, 1995: cr376 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Matthew F Johnson)
  10: Nov 19, 1995: hshubs at denim.ultranet.com (Howard S Shubs)
  11: Nov 19, 1995: hshubs at denim.ultranet.com (Howard S Shubs)
  12: Nov 19, 1995: hshubs at denim.ultranet.com (Howard S Shubs)
+ 13: Nov 19, 1995: freebird at gnu.ai.mit.edu (Lee)
* 14: Nov 19, 1995: blanks at nemohp3.csc.ti.com (Dan KayBeeIn article <199511191212.AA128033157 at relay1.geis.com>, straczynski at genie.geis.com writes:


From: denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us (Jay Denebeim)
Lines: 17

In article <199511170319.AA206058375 at relay1.geis.com>,
 <straczynski at genie.geis.com> wrote:
>     Currently filming episode #11; the actors get a Christmas break from
>12/14 to 1/2.  I'll be home writing for all of that.
>                                                            jms

That reminds me...  'ya know, everyone can always use a new teddy bear
:-)  If everyone who reads the newsgroup sent jms a teddy bear...

(Jay fades quickly pursued by the entire remaining Narn race wielding
clue by fours)

*Sig under construction*	denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us
Jay Denebeim			duke.edu!wolves!deepthot!denebeim


From: at850 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Thomas McCambley)
Lines: 34

Jack Dunn (jdunn at unlinfo.unl.edu) writes:
> Jay Denebeim (denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us) wrote:
> : In article <199511170319.AA206058375 at relay1.geis.com>,
> :  <straczynski at genie.geis.com> wrote:
> : >     Currently filming episode #11; the actors get a Christmas break from
> : >12/14 to 1/2.  I'll be home writing for all of that.
> : >
> : >                                                            jms
> : That reminds me...  'ya know, everyone can always use a new teddy bear
> : :-)  If everyone who reads the newsgroup sent jms a teddy bear...
> : (Jay fades quickly pursued by the entire remaining Narn race wielding
> : clue by fours)
> I've heard of people living dangerously - but man you have a death 
> wish - and I fear it might be particularly gruesome!

Be that as it may it avoids the whole issue.  I elect Mr. Fuller to ask
JMS the question... "What do you want?"  I want to see if that symbol will
appear on HIS forehead. :-)

(Tom is now furiously ducking the enraged Membari Warrior caste armed with
Wiffle bats and Nerf guns)

Tom McCambley
Tom McCambley B.Sc (Hons) | Quando Omni Flunkus Moratati | Try Babylon 5, you
NCF Star Wars SIG Guru    |      words to live by...     | just might like it.
at850 at freenet.carleton.ca |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 5

      jms does not like christmas.  jms does not DO christmas.  do not
send jms anything.  ANYdamnthing.  is jms absolutely, totally, crystal
clear on this issue?



From: freebird at gnu.ai.mit.edu (Lee)
Lines: 11

straczynski at genie.geis.com wrote:

>      jms does not like christmas.  jms does not DO christmas.  do not
>send jms anything.  ANYdamnthing.  is jms absolutely, totally, crystal
>clear on this issue?

>                                                             jms

I don't know about the rest of you, but when that teddy bear got
spaced I really assumed JMS was actually the Grinch <eg>


From: blanks at nemohp3.csc.ti.com (Dan KayBeeIn article <199511191212.AA128033157 at relay1.geis.com>, straczynski at genie.geis.com writes:
Lines: 12

>       jms does not like christmas.  jms does not DO christmas.  do not
> send jms anything.  ANYdamnthing.  is jms absolutely, totally, crystal
> clear on this issue?
>                                                              jms

Not even a nice teddy bear?

Wait, Joe, put that down, I didn't really mean, ow, ugh, umph...!


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