ATTN JMS: You set fire to Doug's office?

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 23 07:56:16 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: You set fire to Doug's office?
+  1: Nov 19, 1995: szgilalu at ()
*  2: Nov 22, 1995: straczynski at


From: szgilalu at ()
Lines: 25

I was going through some GEnie archives and came
across the story of how you and Doug Netter met, and
the subsequent fun times you've had.

I believe I remember you're saying in one of the posts
-Remind me to tell you about the time I set fire to Doug
Netter's office- or something like that.


I'm reminding you.


                                                            .       .
*                                                               .     .   .
*******************************************************    .       |       .
*The past tempts us, the present confuses us,         *        \   |   / .
*and the future frightens us...And our lives slip     *  .   .   \ | / .    .
*away, moment by moment, lost in that vast terrible   *   .  ------*------ .
*in-between.  But there is still time to seize that   * .    .   / | \  .   .
*one last fragile moment, to choose something better, *     .  /   |   \ .
*to make a difference.........                        *  .     .   | .     .
*******************************************************       .     .   .


From: straczynski at
Lines: 6

      Actually, you're confusing incidents; it was my office door that
got set afire (back at Filmation), and it was Larry, not Doug, because I
had stolen the platen out of his typewriter as part of that day's planned
warfare campaign.


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