9 Billion Names of God and Brother Theo?

b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Nov 24 06:49:13 EST 1995

Subject: 9 Billion Names of God and Brother Theo?
+  1: Nov 20, 1995: edf at connix.com (Ed F)
   2: Nov 20, 1995: park at netcom.com (Bill Park)
   3: Nov 21, 1995: plummera at hubble.sheridanc.on.ca (alvin plummera)
   4: Nov 21, 1995: "Julian P. Graham" <jpgraham at starfury.demon.co.uk>
   5: Nov 22, 1995: underdog at mcl.ucsb.edu (Eric Tolle)
   6: Nov 22, 1995: freebird at gnu.ai.mit.edu (Lee)
+  7: Nov 22, 1995: Eric.Tolle at f56.n105.z1.hubert.rain.com (Eric Tolle)
*  8: Nov 22, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com


From: edf at connix.com (Ed F)
Lines: 7

Could there be some connection to the Arthur C. Clark short called 'The 9 
Billion Names of God'  wherein a group of Tibetan monks get a 
supercomputer to printout all the names possible for 'God' AND the new 
group of missionaries headed by Brother Theo who are looking to find all 
the names that the various races give to "God".  Humm.


From: Eric.Tolle at f56.n105.z1.hubert.rain.com (Eric Tolle)
Lines: 22

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

In <48qv3g$2mf at comet.connix.com> edf at connix.com (Ed F) writes:

>Could there be some connection to the Arthur C. Clark short called 'The 9 
>Billion Names of God'  wherein a group of Tibetan monks get a 

the topic has been discussed before....but really I don't think there is
any direct influence.  Men of religion attempting to comprehend science
or the religions of other races has been done for a long time- one of 
the best versions of this is 'A Matter of Concience' by ...Blish I 
think- but don't quote me on that.  

Frankly, the idea of Religion trying to come to terms with new areas of
knowledge is as old as Galileo.  Nothing really new here...

Eric Tolle						underdog at mcl.ucsb.edu
"An' then Chicken at little.com, he come scramblin outta the terminal room 
screaming "The system's crashing! The system's crashing!"
	-Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'


From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 7

       No, there's no connection whatsoever.  The Tibetan monks in the
story were specifically coming up with all the names of god in order to
bring about the end of the world; Theo et al have come as an exercise in
comparative religion, to learn what the other races call god, and how it
compares.  As others have done before, right here on good old earth.


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