jms resigning from rastb5

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 29 12:00:42 EST 1995

[I am CC-ing this message to the whole b5jms list because I think it is of
interest to all 1210 members.  -Erez.]

In message <AABBB36DE1 at>, Sean Harnett writes:
> Greetings
> Just heard that JMS is no-longer posting to rastb5 ... but will 
> restrict himself to the moderated list rastb5-info.  So ... just 
> wondering, if you are going to continue *this* list, but using his 
> posts from rastb5-info.  I don't have access to newsgroups, so I rely 
> on this list to keep me informed of what JMS is saying.
> Sean Harnett

Yes I will continue this list.  I have created this list (now at 1210
members!) not just for picking up JMS' messages from rastb5, but from any
other possible online source, specifically because many of us either don't
have the time to read various forums (even moderated ones), or simply don't
have the access to all the forums on which JMS resides.

Picking up his messages from rastb5-info would be very trivial, and I will
do so as soon as they start appearing.  B5JMS already gets the Green
Meddler's collected posts of JMS' messages on Compuserve (but now I hear
that the Green Meddler has retired from this job and someone else will be
picking up the torch...)  If anyone here knows how to get JMS' B5 messages
from Genie/Prodigy/etc, please let me know.

Well, while I'm at it, as the maintainer of this list, I've sent JMS a
personal message expressing my sadness and understanding at his decision.
I've been expecting him to take that step for some time now, preparing
myself.  Still, when it came, it hit hard.  I hope new ways will be found to
accommodate JMS on public forums without the dangers of seeing messages he
does not wish to read; then we can all enjoy is witty words again.  When
these new ways are found, I will add them to the B5JMS list.

B5JMS Poster,
Maintainer, B5JMS <b5jms-owner at>

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