JMS on Compuserve: October 8, 1995

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 19 17:00:55 EDT 1995

Subject: JMS on Compuserve: October 8, 1995
*  1: Oct  8, 1995: The Green Meddler <kilgalen at>


From: The Green Meddler <kilgalen at>
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_/  Green Meddler  kilgalen at   Nathan F. Wallace _/
_/     _/
_/     _/
_/    C.I.U.P.K.C. Software -- Unleashing the Power!    _/

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Subj:  Episodes Evaluation		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Jeannette Fornadel, 76371,3057	Saturday, October 07, 1995 9:54:07 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360514

     How long to write a script varies; sometimes a couple weeks, sometimes just 3-4 days; sometimes less if my 
back's against the wall, but that's fairly rare.  Often the ones I write very quickly are better than the ones I write 
slowly, because I get it out before I lose track of the fingerprints of the characters and the passion of the story.

     Once completed, it's anywhere from 3-5 weeks before shooting begins, which is a luxury in TV...most shows the 
director doesn't get the script until a few days before shooting.


Subj:  Re: B5 Comic			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Anne L. Warner, 71513,1177	Saturday, October 07, 1995 9:53:19 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360510

     I'll try to announce them as they come.


Subj:  Fan Club, Magazine		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Anne L. Warner, 71513,1177	Saturday, October 07, 1995 9:53:15 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360508

     Yes, the B5 magazine is coming out from Sendai in the next month or so. I've read the copy for the first issue, 
and what I like is that it's not an obvious puff piece; it asks some tough questions, and doesn't soften the language or 
image of the characters on this show behind the scenes.  I told them, when they got the license, right up front, 
nothing is taboo, write about whatever you want.  The first issue, by nature, is more or less an introduction, with 
profiles of most of our core cast, but my guess is that more in-depth pieces will be coming in subsequent issues.

     We finally got the paperwork on the B5 fan club, and have to make some minor adjustments, but should have the 
contracts revised and signed within the next week or so.  Shortly after that, we'll have an AOL page, and not long 
thereafter a web page for signups; we'll also try and integrate those fan clubs already out there as official branches, 
should they so desire.


Subj:  Life spans			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Rae Augenstein, 72752,1653	Saturday, October 07, 1995 9:53:18 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360509

     Minbari live to about 150 or so; she's about 50, very young still in Minbari terms (what we would consider a young 
woman in human terms).


Subj:  B5 Wallpaper??			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Saturday, October 07, 1995 9:53:20 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360511

     I think it's windows 3.1 compatible.


Subj:  B5 Encyclopaedia			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Saturday, October 07, 1995 9:53:21 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360512

     It fell by the wayside when Compton's cut back its list to 30 titles, and we got too busy on the show to pursue it.  
There are several companies now bidding on the cd-rom, so we'll see what happens.


Subj:  Episodes Evaluation		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Saturday, October 07, 1995 9:54:00 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360513

     Visually, yeah, I'd have to say TFoN is one of our biggest from year two, and I'm quite fond of it; the only reason 
that it isn't in my top three is because while the last half is very intense, it takes a little bit to get there; I like 'em 
intense from the first frame on.

     For the growing use of montage/'s really just a process of continuing to learn my craft.  So I try out 
and experiment with different techniques.  While I love dialogue, and lots of it, I'm also coming more and more to 
appreciate moments where you *only* play the visuals, and the music, and get out of the way of the Moment.

     At this point, we have the first 5 in various stages of completion; we deliver 1 and 2 this coming Tuesday; we've 
finished all the EFX in #3 except for the placement of a couple of sound effects and the placement of music cues; 
we're still getting in EFX for #4, and just finished the producers' cut on #5.


Subj:  Shadow model spotted!		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Simon Grierson, 100407,2075	Sunday, October 08, 1995 1:42:08 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#360656

     Any shadow ship model -- for that matter, ANY B5 resin model -- is not licensed and is basically pirate 



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