JMS on compuserve: October 11, 1995

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 19 17:01:00 EDT 1995

Subject: JMS on compuserve: October 11, 1995
*  1: Oct 11, 1995: The Green Meddler <kilgalen at>


From: The Green Meddler <kilgalen at>
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i apologize again for the fact these postings are no longer
formatted. i'm in the process of hiring someone to take over
my net chores and that'll be one of his or her first jobs.

thanks for being patient!
_/  Green Meddler  kilgalen at   Nathan F. Wallace _/
_/     _/
_/     _/
_/    C.I.U.P.K.C. Software -- Unleashing the Power!    _/

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Subj:  12 Steps Program?		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Anne L. Warner, 71513,1177	Monday, October 09, 1995 1:17:16 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#362252

     Michael's kind of stubborn and independent and doesn't generally go in for group sessions.


Subj:  Re: B5 Comic			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Anne L. Warner, 71513,1177	Monday, October 09, 1995 1:17:17 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#362253

     Nobody else here is sufficiently crazy to be on-line all the time.


Subj:  WOTW: DS9 Imitates B5?		Section: Star Trek
  To:  Jeannette Fornadel, 76371,3057	Monday, October 09, 1995 1:31:21 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#362273

     Of course, the one good thing to come out of all this is what I've been saying all along...that the presence of lots 
of SF shows will cause more competition between the shows, with the ultimate beneficiary of this being the audience.

     Case in point: from day one, B5 has always shown the station very busy, with lots of ships going and coming.  
One of the concerns voiced by many DS9 fans, quite logically, was that if this was such a busy station, why did we 
not see any ships docking at the station, a sense of being busy?  Well, finally, we now see the new open to DS9 
where they show a fair number of ships moving in and out.  We've been doing lots of scenes with huge numbers of 
ships dating back to the pilot movie; now in the season debut, they've come to the plate and shown big numbers of 
ships.  Granted that several of the big shots were recycled throughout the course of the episode (watch for the wide 
shot where you see a Klingon ship in front of the crowd moving right to left, for instance), still it's a strong effort.

     Our presence gives them some competition to do more, and as they come up to the plate to do just that, it 
challenges *us* to rise to the occasion as well, so it's a good back-and-forth.


Subj:  WOTW: DS9 Imitates B5?		Section: Star Trek
  To:  Jeannette Fornadel, 76371,3057	Monday, October 09, 1995 4:55:06 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#362470

     Fred Allen, a man considerably before your time, once observed, "Imitation is the sincerest form of television."


Subj:  Shadow Ship Progression		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Hugh Kennedy, 70042,710		Monday, October 09, 1995 1:31:23 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#362274

     The color of the jump gates is kept consistent with the phenomenon of red shift; objects moving away quickly take 
on a red hue, those coming toward you take on a blue aspect.


Subj:  B5 Pot Luck Party in NH		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Anne L. Warner, 71513,1177	Monday, October 09, 1995 5:06:31 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#362480

     If you're going to have something this big, with that great a video and audio system, maybe you ought to consider 
holding this one week later for "The Long Twilight Struggle," which benefits hugely from this kind of treatment, and 
will, I suspect, have a much bigger reaction from those attending.  Just a thought....


Subj:  Episodes Evaluation		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Tuesday, October 10, 1995 12:49:22 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#363120

     Re:'s not any one area per se, really, just a lot of little things.  "Trifles make perfection, and perfection is 
no trifle." Michelangelo.  So I keep trying one technique or another, working to get a little better, or add different tools 
to my toolbox.

     Favorite visual moments?  The last shots in the second major action piece in TLTS (the through the window stuff). 
 The Emperor's fall in CoS. Delenn and Sheridan embracing, and Lennier's exit from the isolation area in C&L.  Some 
of the staging in CtI.

     We just have to continue to get better, and never look back.


Subj:  Episodes Evaluation		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Tuesday, October 10, 1995 12:49:24 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#363121

     No, "Severed Dreams" is episode #10.

     I think really that "War Prayer" was so thoroughly ruined for me by the direction, as was "Grail," that I can't see 
past that aspect.  We spent hours and hours in the editing room, trying to make those work, and it was a major 
league pain in the butt.


Subj:  VOYAGER'S BAD TREK		Section: Star Trek
  To:  Lawrence Roberts, 73200,2174	Tuesday, October 10, 1995 12:50:01 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#363122

     Absolutely not.  I don't think the audience is facionalized, really; I think there's *plenty* of room for SF, but it has 
to be SF *done well*.

     See, that's the difference in how execs think (if I can use that term); if a cop show dies, they say, "Well, that one 
show didn't work."  If an SF series dies, they say, "There's no market for SF in television."

     I think that the audience can handle lots of SF, if it's quality.

     BTW, though I normally don't have a chance to catch the ST shows, with rare exceptions, I did manage to catch 
tonight's Voyager...and I have to say that this was probably the best I've seen to date.  The dialogue was crisp and 
funny and insightful, the story worked (even though the plot per se was nothing to write home about), the bits 
played...I quite enjoyed it.  I'd love to see them do more of this kind of thing.


Subj:  Keeping B5 ALIVE			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Charles Agius, 72712,3572	Tuesday, October 10, 1995 3:29:17 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#363574

     The series is fine as it is.  The changes you suggest would simply make into a gimmick show, action without 
substance.  Then it wouldn't be the show that people what's the point?  I'd rather have it the show I mean it to 
be, and die, than compromise and go on.  What we need, primarily, is good PR to let people know what we're doing.


Subj:  Keeping B5 ALIVE			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Charles Agius, 72712,3572	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 1:33:26 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#364227

     Oh, I won't defend the delay in new episodes, because I think it's indefensible on many levels.  I just don't think 
it's appropriate to make the show into something less than it is to stay on the air; because then the show you want to 
keep on the air, that which makes it special, is gone anyway, so you've lost both ways.  Better to go out on your feet. 
 But we've made it 3 years so far, and I have no intention of letting it fall before finishing the storyline.


Subj:  Major B5/ST News			Section: Star Trek
  To:  Max Cacas, 76476,2472		Tuesday, October 10, 1995 3:29:21 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#363575

     I agree with you 100%.  They keep promising better; we'll see.


Subj:  Major B5/ST News			Section: Star Trek
  To:  DEBBIE PLOOR, 102662,3032	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 1:33:20 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#364225

     Debbie: thanks.  To avoid a lengthy recap of the O'Hare situation, I would point you to the B5 library, sec 5, which 
has a lengthy message from me on the subject, which should answer just about all of those questions.

     As for the second half of the "Babylon Squared" episode, and all the questions arising from that...and your 
question about O'Hare returning... they both have the same answer.  He'll be reappearing in season three in a 
two-part episode that shows the other half of the B^2 storyline.

     Thanks for the kind words.


Subj:  B5: Final Year???		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Hugh Kennedy, 70042,710		Wednesday, October 11, 1995 1:33:18 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#364224

     Unfortunately, that's considered by studio execs a "secondary market," of less interest, and less reward.  Also 
PTEN is a consortium of WB and the stations; without the local stations, you got zip.


Subj:  B5: Final Year???		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644Tuesday, October 10, 1995 12:28:25 AM
From:  Hugh Kennedy, 70042,710		#363097


>>      It's the national picture that matters to WB, <<

What about the international market. It does seem to be doing well in the UK
and Germany on nation-wide television. I don't know where else the series was
sold, but this must be good for something.


Subj:  Divided Loyalties		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Toni Muller, 75223,1575		Wednesday, October 11, 1995 1:33:23 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#364226

     Thanks; it's a good warm-up episode for the next three biggies....



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