REAL JMS on Compuserve: October 12, 1995

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 19 17:01:05 EDT 1995

Subject: REAL JMS on Compuserve: October 12, 1995
*  1: Oct 12, 1995: The Green Meddler <kilgalen at>


From: The Green Meddler <kilgalen at>
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_/  Green Meddler  kilgalen at   Nathan F. Wallace _/
_/     _/
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_/    C.I.U.P.K.C. Software -- Unleashing the Power!    _/

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Subj:  Keeping B5 ALIVE			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  The Jawa / Jawa #2, 76371,3057	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:22:26 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365276

     That's the point, you really couldn't pull a major thread without unraveling a lot of stuff.


Subj:  Keeping B5 ALIVE			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Anne L. Warner, 71513,1177	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:22:25 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365275

     The stations have a season two poster that's quite nice; suggest you contact your local station and inquire if they 
have any left.


Subj:  WOTW: DS9 Imitates B5?		Section: Star Trek
  To:  Randy Hall, 74617,420		Wednesday, October 11, 1995 9:53:14 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365148

     Ah, I see the infamous Randy Hall of AOL is here, as well.

     In citing the DS9 ratings, you carefully omit the Voyager ratings, which in many cases in the past have been 
somewhat *less* than the B5 ratings.  Which kinda takes the air out of the argument, doesn't it?

     Even so, B5 is challenging the ST universe artistically, in terms of what we put on the screen.  As we hope they 
will challenge us.


Subj:  GARIBALDI COP STUFF		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Michael  Zitaglio, 102545,641	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:22:30 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365278

     The actors do not input into scripts in the writing process; they interpret the script upon its completion.  In rare 
cases, they may ask for a line or word change for performance purposes.  But the line you cite was from Garibaldi's 


Subj:  B5 Story Thoughts		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:22:31 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365279

     It's an old wound, and though I appreciate the question, I'd rather not re-open it.


Subj:  Episodes Evaluation		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:22:02 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365280

     The most difficult part on one level is probably the writing, because that's the one time I'm up on the high-wire 
entirely by myself; in every other aspect of the show, you've got other people, costume designers, EFX people, others 
who can keep you from falling.  Behind the keyboard, if you screw up, you've got no one to catch you.

     On another level, the most physically difficult is the editing process, where we go over each episode frame by 
frame and edit it to within an inch of its life.  It's a very detailed and wearing process.

     We definitely plan to do more with Lennier next season.


Subj:  Telepaths on B5			Section: Babylon 5
  To:  John M. Kahane, 102664,773	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:22:05 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365281

     Yes, both sides can pay the same telepath, since teeps have no vested interest either way, and their honesty is 
held to the highest standards.  Or you can get a second teep of your own.  And yes, there have been others on B5, 
but usually passing through with the businessmen who hire them.


Subj:  Episodes Evaluation		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Kit Furness, 73574,44		Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:45:01 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365311

     Thanks, and I think you'll like where we take that relationship in the coming season as well....


Subj:  <Divided Loyalties>		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Neil Blevins, 102226,3566	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:45:02 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365312

     Remember, the *conscious* Talia did none of those things; she would never dream of scanning without 
permission.  (And in Ivanova's case, remember that she said she knows *instantly* if she's being scanned.  Note her 
strong reaction in "Eyes" when it happens.)


Subj:  <Divided Loyalties>		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Deonaha M. Conlin, 102531,2627	Wednesday, October 11, 1995 11:45:04 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365314

     That's terrific, thank you...and glad to see another Dr. Pepper fan out there....

     This one came out quite well...but compared to what's coming, man....

     Thanks again, and enjoy the marathon.


Subj:  <Divided Loyalties>		Section: Babylon 5
  To:  Joel Hilke, 74271,1016		Thursday, October 12, 1995 1:19:25 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365370

     There's little I could say about Jarvis' reviews for TV GUIDE that has not already been said about Jack the Ripper.


Subj:  Ellison CITY Note		Section: Star Trek
  To:  All				Thursday, October 12, 1995 1:19:27 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski, 71016,1644#365371

Harlan Ellison has requested that I post this in places where those likely to have ordered the forthcoming CITY ON 
THE EDGE OF FOREVER limited-edition hardcover can find it.

Message begins:

Here is the answerto the question of why a three-week delay in shipping THE CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER 
became necessary.

A minor production glitch.

Nothing more mysterious or ominous than that.

Once the book had gone to Thomson-Shore in Dexter, Michigan for printing, and was in production, it was discovered 
that more than 150 corrections to the text--some significant, others of a niggling nature--but all troublesome to a 
greater or lesser degree--had slipped past, and had not been integrated.

Tom Monteleone of Borderlands Press was out of the country.  But his concerns for shipping on time--we've been 
paying the price for a premature announcement of this title four years ago ever since that miscalculation was 
made--were preeminent.  Nonetheless, because of my insistence that this book (a book of great personal importance 
to me) be as close to perfect as possible, I took the necessary action to hold the production at a pre-final stage till 
Tom returned and we could get the changes made.

That has been accomplished.  Tom Monteleone has been very gracious in accommodating my concerns, and the 
book is back in the tube at Thomson-Shore right now.  Three weeks max is what Dave Raymond, Customer Services 
Manager, tells us.  Three weeks and the book, a beautiful beautiful package, will be in the hands of those who've 
ordered it.

It is unfortunate that Tom Monteleone's interim message on the Borderlands Press 800-order line has been 
misinterpreted by some people.  All is well, and the CITY is on its way to waiting eyes and hands.  Thank you for 

                                                Harlan Ellison


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