Query: Will the Shadows attack B5?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Oct 23 06:33:06 EDT 1995

Subject: Query: Will the Shadows attack B5?
+  1: Oct 19, 1995: sac39643 at saclink1.csus.edu (Eric A Lulie)
+  2: Oct 20, 1995: "Julian P. Graham" <jpgraham at starfury.demon.co.uk>
*  3: Oct 21, 1995: straczynski at genie.geis.com


From: sac39643 at saclink1.csus.edu (Eric A Lulie)
Lines: 28


Forgive me if I don't quote episodes (I'm not that good yet...:) ), but I 
do have a question:  Sheridan imprisoned Morden awhile ago in this (the 
2nd) season, on the belief that Morden somehow knew something about his 
wife's death.  Under mounting pressure from both Garibaldi and 
Delenn/Kosh, he reluctantly had to let Morden go - however, his reasons 
for letting Morden go were, shall we say, lacking. :)

My question is this:  since we know the Shadows will not hesitate to 
attack anything which MIGHT interfere with their plans, would not it make 
sense for Morden to suspect that Sheridan might be releasing him on the 
advice of others?  (We know he knows Kosh is on board, so we could 
reasonably assume that the Shadows know a Vorlorn is there...whether the 
Shadows know that the Vorlorns are one of the Old Ones is subject to 
interpretation; Morden does know, however, that G'Kar suspects what is 
happening and that Londo is somewhat weak-willed...and may have turned 
against the Shadows).  Would Morden then be able to advise the Shadows to 
launch a pre-emptive attack on B5 to make sure that whatever was learned 
was destroyed there?

In any case, could Morden advise the Shadows to launch an attack against 
B5 simply because he was jailed? :)  (It brings up the question of how 
much pull Morden really has with the Shadows, and do they really listen 
to his input, if nothing else.)



From: "Julian P. Graham" <jpgraham at starfury.demon.co.uk>
Lines: 60

In article <46622d$et8 at news.csus.edu>
           sac39643 at saclink1.csus.edu "Eric A Lulie" writes:

> Hello!
> Forgive me if I don't quote episodes (I'm not that good yet...:) ), but I 
> do have a question:  Sheridan imprisoned Morden awhile ago in this (the 
> 2nd) season, on the belief that Morden somehow knew something about his 
> wife's death.  Under mounting pressure from both Garibaldi and 
> Delenn/Kosh, he reluctantly had to let Morden go - however, his reasons 
> for letting Morden go were, shall we say, lacking. :)
> My question is this:  since we know the Shadows will not hesitate to 
> attack anything which MIGHT interfere with their plans, would not it make 
> sense for Morden to suspect that Sheridan might be releasing him on the 
> advice of others?  

He may well have his suspicions that "It's all been a mistake" or
whatever reason was given, is not the whole story.  I wouldn't think
he knows enough about Sheridan's real reasons to risk doing anything
about it.  Remember, the Shadows are moving *very* cautiously.  They 
got their fingers badly burned last time.

> (We know he knows Kosh is on board, so we could 
> reasonably assume that the Shadows know a Vorlorn is there...whether the 
> Shadows know that the Vorlorns are one of the Old Ones is subject to 
> interpretation; 

Oh, I think they're quite aware of who and what the Vorlons are.  :-)

> Morden does know, however, that G'Kar suspects what is 
> happening and that Londo is somewhat weak-willed...and may have turned 
> against the Shadows).  Would Morden then be able to advise the Shadows to 
> launch a pre-emptive attack on B5 to make sure that whatever was learned 
> was destroyed there?

It really depends on a) how much the Shadows have told Morden about the
larger picture, and b) whether they consider him worth taking advice from.
I think they do seek his opinion (as in the suitability of Londo in TCoS)
but I doubt they take his advice on their overall strategy.  They're not
fully prepared for an attack yet, and probably can't risk anything
pre-emptive on just Morden's suspicions.
> In any case, could Morden advise the Shadows to launch an attack against 
> B5 simply because he was jailed? :)  (It brings up the question of how 
> much pull Morden really has with the Shadows, and do they really listen 
> to his input, if nothing else.)

I think Morden would probably like to have the Shadows as his own
personal hired thugs (he seems that sort of guy).  I doubt he really
has that much pull with them, though.

** Julian P. Graham **************************************************
*  Warrington, England.        "You have....forgotten something."    *
*                                   Ambassador Kosh, Babylon 5       *
** jpgraham at starfury.demon.co.uk *************************************


From: straczynski at genie.geis.com
Lines: 9

     Babylon 5 is still needed for their own purposes, as an easy way to
keep an eye on things and get to the people they need to get to, so
there's no need for them to attack B5.  They certainly wouldn't do so
just because Morden was busted...that's beneath their concern, as long
as he keeps his mouth shut.  Which he did.  Doesn't mean, though, that
in fairly short order they won't take steps to be as sure as they can be
that, in fact, the secret *is* still secure....

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