ATTN JMS: A couple of questions...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Oct 29 06:25:27 EST 1995

Subject: ATTN JMS: A couple of questions...
+  1: Oct 22, 1995: bigbird at (Larry Burdick)
+  2: Oct 22, 1995: tinas at (Tina Spurgin)
*  3: Oct 27, 1995: straczynski at


From: bigbird at (Larry Burdick)
Lines: 26

Hello JMS, 

I've got a few questions I'd like you to answer.

1. You've been dropping references thorughout the show to a big colony on Io, 
one of Jupiter's moons. But Io is a violent moon covered with volcanic antivity 
(as recorded by the Voyager probe) which would make it uninhabitable. How is 
this (the colony) possible?

2. (Spoiler Warning!!)

When Londo is reading his ultimatum in the B-5 conference room, he's dressed 
in his old clothes (i.e. before his rise in rank after the Quadrant 37 
incident). Why was that? Wouldn't he wear his newest outfit to look more regal?

Thanks for your attention, and your fine work on B5.

BTW, when I was house-hunting, I turned down a house that had no cable-acces. 
I wanted to be sure I could get clear, clean reception of B5 for the next 
three years! You've influenced far more than you realize! 8=)

Larry <bigbird at>


From: tinas at (Tina Spurgin)
Lines: 22

In article <bigbirdDGtxts.ArG at>,
Larry Burdick <bigbird at> wrote:
>Hello JMS, 
>I've got a few questions I'd like you to answer.
>1. You've been dropping references thorughout the show to a big colony on Io, 
>one of Jupiter's moons. But Io is a violent moon covered with volcanic antivity 
>(as recorded by the Voyager probe) which would make it uninhabitable. How is 
>this (the colony) possible?

No colony.  It's generally referred to as "the transfer point [off/at] Io".

We see it in Chrysalis.

Aaron Brezenski
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's not someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illuminati
"If it can't be expressed in figures, it is not science.  It is opinion."
"... what are the facts, and to how many decimal places?"


From: straczynski at
Lines: 5

     Actually, what's been referred to is the Jump Gate off Io; we saw
this colony facility before, in isn't *on* Io as much as
in orbit near it.


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