Three Ages of Mankind -- Speculation

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Mon Apr 8 01:55:16 EDT 1996

Subject: Three Ages of Mankind -- Speculation
 No.   DATE           FROM
+  1: Apr  3, 1996: "Charles F. Huber" <huber at>
+  2: Apr  3, 1996: gt7213a at (Luther)
*  3: Apr  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "Charles F. Huber" <huber at>
Lines: 62

Minor spoilers for the third season follow:
>A couple of possibilities have occurred to me regarding the meaning of 
the Three Ages of Mankind...

First, a relatively mundane historical version:

First Age of Mankind --  Beginning of species to say, 1960's
	Mankind is confined to planet Earth

Second Age of Mankind -- 1960's to 2260
	Humans begin to go into space, then colonize other worlds, but 
all of mankind still looks to Earth as its home.  All colonies are under 
the thumb of Earthgov.

Third Age of Mankind -- 2260 to ???
	Human colonies begin to declare their independence of Earth, and 
humans truly begin to diversify into the galaxy.

Or, the more esoteric interpretation:

First Age of Mankind -- Beginning of species to ??
	Mankind before the beginning of Vorlon and/or Shadow 

Second Age of Mankind -- ?? to 2260(?)
	Mankind unknowingly manipulated by Vorlons and/or Shadows.

Third Age of Mankind -- 2260(?) to ???
	Humans uncover the Vorlon and Shadow influences on their history 
(?) and discover ways to free themselves from their further manipulations 

I could go into specific examples, but I think the broad sweep of the 
grounds for these possibilities are evident to folks who have seen the 
third season episodes thus far.  Any comments, esp. from JMS??

Chuck Huber
Davidson Library
University of California 
Santa Barbara, CA  93106
huber at


From: gt7213a at (Luther)
Lines: 10

>From the first time I ever watched B5, I always figured the 1st Age was
BC, the 2nd Age was AD, and, of course, the 3rd Age starts with whatever
happens during the series.  I still think think that's probably the case,
or at least something similar.

Luther, high priest of logic|"Time -- it is a vision unclear,
"Life is short, so get one  | blessed with adventure
 while it lasts."           | and full of fear."
gt7213a at    |        --Deborah Gibson, "Two Young Kids"


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 10

No, this isn't it.  What I'll say is that the issue is more philosophical
than technological in nature.  But you won't be able to figure the third
age yet because you don't have all the information you need to make that
determination.  After the end of this season, you'll have most of it,


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