Severed Dreams (No Spoilers) [NOT! Spoilers]

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Mon Apr 8 02:07:13 EDT 1996

Subject: Severed Dreams (No Spoilers) [NOT! Spoilers]
 No.   DATE           FROM
+  1: Apr  3, 1996: tomsmith at (Tom Smith)
+  6: Apr  7, 1996: cang at (Carlo emilio Ang - MECE/W94)
*  7: Apr  7, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: tomsmith at (Tom Smith)
Lines: 68

[ Some readers may feel that these may be spoilers.  Consequently,  ]
[ I'm adding spoiler protection and have modified the Subject: line ]
[                                                      ...zim       ]

Wow.  That... was intense.

Some particularly wonderful points (and you're wondering if I can
stick to the "No Spoilers" guarantee?  Ooooh, somebody STOP me!):

 -- The incredible rack-focus on Sheridan (in the conference room,
    the shot where the music rises as the conversation volume is
    lowered to heighten Sheridan's personal isolation)

 -- Every damn scene with Delenn, particularly the antipenultimate
    one where she gives 'em what fer, and the penultimate one where
    she gives 'em what fer....

 -- The ISN scene

 -- The look shared between Sheridan and Ivanova just before she left

 -- The scene where Sheridan, Garibaldi, Ivanova, and Franklin agree,
    particularly Franklin's emphasis

 -- The CGI... this could have been one of the most confusing
    sequences ever, but it was beautifully directed and fraggin'
    (hah! pun intended) brilliant

Superb work all around -- writing, acting, directing, CGI, music,
editing... what a package.  Many kudos, Joe.

Oh, yeah... good to have you back on the Usenet.


| Tom Smith (tomsmith at |
|  The World's Fastest Filker   |
|   MST3K - Babylon 5 - Amiga   |


From: cang at (Carlo emilio Ang - MECE/W94)
Lines: 3

A similar effect was done on the superb movie Quiz Show.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 21


"I *gasped* at this shot.  How was this done?  This was REALLY effective."

I'm always getting this confused in my own mind, but basically it's using
two contradictory moves with the camera.  You dolly in (push the camera
toward the object) and push out with the lens (or vice versa...that's the
part I'm forever getting confused remembering battery
connections, is it positive to positive or positive to negative...?).  In
either event, you're basically going in and out/away at the same moment. 
It's a nifty effect.


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