ATTN JMS: Question about Morden

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Mon Apr 8 02:09:47 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Question about Morden
 No.   DATE           FROM
+  1: Apr  6, 1996: navoff at (J. Potts)
*  2: Apr  7, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: navoff at (J. Potts)
Lines: 11

Last year at the Chicago Comicon you mentioned that we'd be seeing more
about Morden, where he comes from and how he got where he is.  Is that
something that will be addressed this year or is that slated for farther
down the road?

"BLONDE?   Blonde?   You didn't TELL me you were a blonde....."
                                          --Gharlane of Eddore


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 14

"Last year at the Chicago Comicon you mentioned that we'd be seeing more
about Morden, where he comes from and how he got where he is.  Is that
something that will be addressed this year or is that slated for farther
down the road?"

You'll learn a lot more about Mr. Morden by the end of this season.


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