ATT JMS:New cast pictures (potential spoilers)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Tue Apr 9 06:16:26 EDT 1996

Subject: ATT JMS:New cast pictures (potential spoilers)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr  8, 1996: jarnis at (Jarno Kokko)
*  2: Apr  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jarnis at (Jarno Kokko)
Lines: 77

Some may say this is a spoiler, so I'm playing it safe. Potential
spoilers for next 1-3 eps (set/costume related)


I saw few shots (probably puclicity stills) of the new uniforms on one
web page (umm. URL: and they raised
one damn ugly red flag at least over here...

The new outfits look OK. Some may cry that they look bit
'old' and 'campy' but after a serious look I think I can accept them
just fine. In fact they look rather cool...

The thing that prompted me to write this was the BACKGROUND of these 
shots. A huge map of the galaxy divided into sections. I really
can't make out the words under the map, but all the detail makes
it look like this is a part of a new set. DAMN. Galaxy is Utterly
UnFuckingBeliveably (pardon my french:) *HUGE*, and trust me, such
'overview' map would be of very little use, especially if we are
to belive the recent statement that human race has mapped a tiny
fraction of it all. Granted, with Vorlon/Minbari knowledge 
there could be info of the whole galaxy available. But still
there's no point. One damn square millimeter on the map would still contain
*many* stars and damn big amount of other misc junk like planets...
someone else do the math, but if the map shown on the wall is
say 4 meters wide, how much would one millimeter cover? my off-the-hat
rough estimate is something around 20-50 lightyears. Um. 
B5 would be about a millimeter from earth. 'Anyone have a good 
magnifying glass handy? I need to look at this cool map... '  .. :\

Sure, the map looks cool, but damn, I'd prefer a cool map that would
also have some base in some teeny bit of reality. 

Unless of course JMS plans to put the whole DAMN galaxy into war,
in which case I don't see what our heroes plan in doing without
near-infinite amount of ships and people... 

(Then there is the issue that you can't portrait a 3D-galaxy with
a 2D map and have any other usable information except the general
size and outlook of the damn thing.)

I pray this won't become a major point in the series later, but
I fear the worst... 

-- Jarnis (Jarno Kokko) -------------------------------------------------
jarnis at / jarnis at /     
Copyright 1996, Jarno Kokko. Microsoft Network is prohibited 
from redistributing this work in any form,in whole or in part.
Distribution license for this work is available to Microsoft 
for US$1000, distribution constitutes an agreement to these terms.
Permission is granted for all other distribution of this complete 
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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

No, the map is more conceptual than anything else; for any kind of detail
work, other screens are used.


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