<*> Fellow Babylon 5 Fans, a call to arms <*>

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Apr 22 10:36:39 EDT 1996

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: danwood at pobox.com (Dan Wood)


 Hello!  This letter is being posted on Usenet, with the hope that it
 might spread further via e-mail.  I'm Dan Wood <danwood at pobox.com> and
 I maintain the Babylon 5 FAQ list. I'm writing this because I'm trying
 to do what I can to help keep B5 alive. If someone else forwarded this
 note to you, it's likely for the same reason.

 As you are probably aware, B5's ratings are on the increase, but due
 to the disbanding of PTEN, it's up to the stations to decide whether
 to pick up the show next season, based on the bottom dollar and also
 based on viewer support.  So viewer support is *critical* to the
 continuation of this rockin' show, and we need to show support NOW.

 It's time for a REAL campaign to keep B5 alive! and now we have a
 rallying ground, at Warner Bros.'s www.babylon5.com web site, and we
 have the means of getting the word out by encouraging as many people
 as possible to put the "shield" on their web pages (whether or not
 they're B5-related pages) to spread the word to anybody who is surfing
 the net.  Or, if you have access to mailing lists, BBSs, the press,
 etc., you could get the word out there. The goal: to get as many folks
 as possible (including you, of course) to write letters to their local

 We B5 fans have been encouraging ourselves to write letters, but we've
 got to do more than that, and that's why I'm trying to help W.B.
 spread the word.  Hopefully this letter will serve as a "kicker" to
 speed up the spreading of these shields -- maybe even to the level of
 success of the recent online free speech "blue ribbon" campaign.

 So if you have a few minutes over the next couple of days, *please*
 do the following:

 1) GRAB the shield graphic from http://www.babylon5.com/support/
 and put it on your web pages, B5-related or otherwise.

 2) FORWARD this entire note to as many fellow web-page-owning B5 fans
 as you can. (Best to be polite and be sure that they haven't already
 put up the shield.)  I would like to see this message propagate all
 over North America (appropriately -- no spamming please).

 3) WRITE the letter, and encourage other people -- especially those
 who aren't online, or aren't web-connected -- to write.  Guidelines
 and addresses are at the above web site -- print 'em out if you need
 to, to make it easy for them.
 (If you don't have web access, you can usually find your local
 station's address in the phone book.)
 Thanks! Let's make this a *successful* grassroots effort to

 Dan [not affiliated with W.B., in case you were wondering], 4/19/96.

Dan Wood
danwood at pobox.com

rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info     <*>    archive:  http://ivory.ora.com/rastb5i/
another fine service        submissions to:  b5-info at callisto.pas.rochester.edu
of ISN mars bureau     comments to:  b5-info-request at callisto.pas.rochester.edu

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