ATTN JMS: Public knowledge of last episode title.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Apr 25 06:17:53 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Public knowledge of last episode title.
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr 25, 1996: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
*  2: Apr 25, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
Lines: 21

In article <4lmdgs$ino at>,
T Green  <tgreen at> wrote:
>                       NOTE TO THE MODERATORS:  
>     Does that mean that the title should remain embargo'd until 
>     it airs in the UK (unless, of course, it airs there first)?

Well, considering they're probably going to see it in August, I'd say
we're going to have a 'final three' this year.  So, it's the US group
that *may* need protection.  It depends on which episode it's a
spoiler for.

So, Joe, will it still be a spoiler when the episode airs in the UK,
or not?

* Jay Denebeim, Moderator,   *
* newsgroup submission address:   rastb5 at             *
* moderator contact address:      rastb5-request at     *
* personal contact address:       denebeim at *


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 14

Well, there's what one would *prefer*, and there's that which is
*sensible*.  And the sensible answer is that no, once the last S3 episode
airs in the UK, there's no way on earth you're gonna keep that out of the
public eye, and there ain't much sense to protecting it or hitting it with
spoiler regs.  I'd let it go at that point.  

(And, frankly, it'll probably slip out some time before that; when it
hits, it hits, I've decided to let it go at that just ain't
gonna hear it from ME, that's all.)


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