Att: JMS

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Apr 30 06:14:31 EDT 1996

Subject: Att: JMS
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Apr 28, 1996: Norman Aragones <naragon at>
*  2: Apr 29, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Norman Aragones <naragon at>
Lines: 88

***Spoilers for those who haven't watched Late Delivery from Avalon!****

Spoiler space:]
>Done yet?
>How about now?

	In LDfA, the description given for the misunderstanding which 
resulted in Dukhat's death shows the gunnery seargent firing upon the Minbari 
Cruiser (with gun ports open) and blowing it to smithereens, along with an 
interesting death squeal/screech sound effect. If the ship blew so quickly, 
however, where/when did the events surrounding Dukhat's death happen?  When 
did the Minbari "wall of bodies to prevent the Soul Hunter from taking 
Dukhat's soul" and "Dukhat dying in Delenn's arms" happen?
	Granted, it was mentioned somewhere that there were two ships 
encountered, but I thought that accounted for all those scenes of Minbari 
fighters taking out Star Fury after Star Fury. I mean, the Minbari fighters 
had to launch from somewhere, right?

	All in all, I would've expected the second ship (I assume it was a 
Cruiser, or something large enough to launch fighters) to activate its 
cloaking systems and make itself untargetable, then obliterate the 
Promethius. But since this is not what happened, there's probably  
*something* I missed.

	Any Ideas?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 38

It's down there...possible spoilers.

You basically had two large convoys meeting one another.  Two Minbari
ships were hit and destroyed, a third damaged badly; this was the one
carrying Dukhat and the Grey Council, including Delenn.  

Just for the record, what happened after that...the Minbari ships opened
fire, and a number of the Earth ships were fragged.  The rest fled as the
Minbari ships hesitated, waiting to see what happened to Dukhat.  When it
was learned that he was killed, they took off and pursued the ships back
to an Earth base.  Initially, one of the Earth captains explained that
they had encountered hostiles (trying to cover his ass), and when the
Minbari ships appeared, all hell broke loose.

It was shortly after this "cowardly attack" on their ships, and the
assassination of their leader, that the Minbari declared what is in
essence a jihad, a holy war, against Earth.  The worker class went along
with it, even though the religious caste was unsure...but divided, they
couldn't raise sufficient objections to the war to stop it initially.


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