AAA Rating on Customer Service

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Aug 3 06:15:34 EDT 1996

Subject: AAA Rating on Customer Service
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug  2, 1996: terisa at (Terisa Green)
*  2: Aug  2, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: terisa at (Terisa Green)
Lines: 23

the status of things was, and there was a huge pile of newsletters and
packets on his desk ready to go out.  I asked about yours in
particular, and he had it right there, about ten down in the "to-mail"
pile.  So you should have the stuff shortly.


I don't believe what I just read!  Triple A's, high fives, and a big star
by your name for cryin' out loud!  I own/run an ISP in Southern California
and, by all the gods, customer service is *the* name of the game.  I've
seen you be gracious, informative, and mentoring in this newsgroup but
this takes the cake.  I hope the subscriber in question is worshipping at
a shrine in their living room that they've constructed for you.

Inspired now,

Terisa Green
terisa at
webmaster at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 14

"I've seen you be gracious, informative, and mentoring in this newsgroup
but this takes the cake."


No big, it's just part of the service.  Jim's right down the hall, ain't
much of a problem to take ten minutes to go down the corridor and annoy
him.  In fact, I'll take any chance I get to annoy him....


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