ATTN JMS: About Quakers

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Aug 25 06:17:25 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: About Quakers
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 24, 1996: arondell at (Arondell Hoch)
+  3: Aug 24, 1996: jthorpe1 at HOME.SEAS.UPENN.EDU (jere7my tho?rpe)
*  4: Aug 24, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: arondell at (Arondell Hoch)
Lines: 23

In <01BB9113.68DDE7C0 at BBARRETT.SPEEDLINK.COM> bbarrett at
(Brent Barrett) writes: 

> #: 565643 S5/Babylon 5: General
>    23-Aug-96  11:47:18
>Sb: #565441-Quakers on B5?
>       Well, if Quakers choose not to use mechanical means of
>only horse-drawn carriages...then I would suggest that this may hinder
>progress in interstellar travel.
I'm not sure on this point but I believe you may be mixing up the
quakers with the amish.  I don't believe the quakers have any
particular restrictions on using technological devices beyond the horse
a carriage.

                                 arondell at


From: jthorpe1 at HOME.SEAS.UPENN.EDU (jere7my tho?rpe)
Lines: 31

arondell at (Arondell Hoch) wrote:

* I'm not sure on this point but I believe you may be mixing up the
* quakers with the amish.  I don't believe the quakers have any
* particular restrictions on using technological devices beyond the horse
* a carriage.

     Yup.  I, a Quaker myself, am even now using a PowerMac to post this,
and my Mennonite girlfriend Kendra is currently packing up her car, which
we both took to dinner at the mall last night.  Neither of us has any
problem with technology, though the Mennonites did in the not-too-distant
past, and even today Kendra very rarely wears jewelry (e.g.).

     The Amish, who splintered off from the Mennonites because they were
"too free-wheelin'", are the folks you see in movies like Witness, driving
their horses and buggies through Lancaster County, PA.  Not Quakers, not


     (And let me tell you, you don't know persecution until you've had
your religion universally associated with oatmeal...)


******************************** <*> ********************************
jere7my tho?rpe                       "Everything you know is wrong;
Office of Undergraduate Education             just forget the words
SEAS, University of Pennsylvania                     and sing along."
(215) 898-7246                              ----"Weird Al" Yankovic 


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Yeah, I know, I know, it was late and I screwed this up...I realized it
ten minutes after posting the message (and noted such in my next reply). 
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa....


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