ATTN JMS: Biggus Headus

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Dec 1 06:14:05 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Biggus Headus
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 29, 1996: Joe White <wjwhite at>
+  3: Nov 29, 1996: Myrddin & Mayge <ehughes2 at>
*  4: Nov 30, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Joe White <wjwhite at>
Lines: 13

So Joe,

I have been wondering for a while...with the constant inundation of
respect, adoration and awe from most on this newsgroup(not to mention
conventions and fan mail), just how do you keep it all from going to
your head?  I would personally find being dubbed 'Great Maker' a little
intoxicating.  Do you ever find it affecting your writing?  Your dealing
with the cast & crew?

Joe White


From: Myrddin & Mayge <ehughes2 at>
Lines: 25

tomr at wrote: 
> Considering that in 1993, a group of us in GEnie decided to take this
> adoration a LITTLE too far and created the "Church of Joe". It's now
> reborn on the Internet (URL, please??).
> Joe first discouraged it, then took it in stride.
> But just in case.....
> "Hey, Joe! I've seen better writing in kindergarden class! Since when is
> Etch-A-Sketch considered CGI? And the deepest philosophical discussion
> you've ever had is 'Paper or Plastic'!"
> <grin, wearing NBS-proof armor>
> TomR at Fred.Net
> Little Guy, Royal Order of the Dust Bunnies, COJ

:::::Sigh::::::Time to pull in the tiki-heads...they'll cut through that
type of armor like a hot knife through half-melted butter...;)
JD Ehlert-Mayge
:::::We stand between the Shadow and the Light:::::


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 47

"I have been wondering for a while...with the constant inundation of
respect, adoration and awe from most on this newsgroup(not to mention
conventions and fan mail), just how do you keep it all from going to your
head?  I would personally find being dubbed 'Great Maker' a little

I guess it's easy to not let that happen since, for me, it's all for the
show, not for me personally.  I have a very hard time applying that to
me...the show is the show.  I'm still the same goofball I was before I
made B5.  And I find that whenever I start getting cocky, the universe
whaps me upside the head, and makes me humble *real* fast.

Example...the other day, we were finishing up the editing on 408, "The
Illusion of Truth."  Making the producer's cut is the hardest thing I do,
and I'm just exhausted at the end of it.  So I'm taking a five minute
break, waiting for the elevator to go downstairs and grab a coke, just to
wake up...and I'm alone, walking back and forth in the that
kinda dopey way you do when you're just utterly whacked...I go a few
paces, swing my leg around, half/stagger back the other direction, go a
few paces, mind elsewhere....

And the door opens, mid-swing...and I start for it...and being off-balance
I end up doing this drunken-looking stagger right past the elevator

The way it would've looked from the inside is as if the elevator doors
opened up on the fourth deck of the Lusitania, tilted and going down, and
some crew member was tumbling down the angled deck....and the door closes

I was too embarrassed to get into it, and waited for the next one.

So it's real easy for me to keep modest...I don't think I have much

"Do you ever find it affecting your writing?  Your dealing with the cast &

No, they also have their ways of keeping me modest...hence Andreas' recent
little gag...for which he will pay dearly....


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