ATTN JMS:Re: New PPG blasts in S4? (spoilers for FtA)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Dec 1 06:24:07 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS:Re: New PPG blasts in S4? (spoilers for FtA)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 30, 1996: apbtjs at (Aaron P. Brezenski)
+  2: Nov 30, 1996: sinboy at (Joshua Jasper)
*  3: Dec  1, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: apbtjs at (Aaron P. Brezenski)
Lines: 34

In article <199611292322.AAA07288 at>,
Mollenhoff <vanne at> wrote:
>Is it just me, or have the PPG blasts (the "exiting flame") changed from 
>season3 (Severed Dreams) to season4?

The PPG blasts have taken several forms over the years.  Compare first
season blasts with "The Long Dark", and then look at "A Race Through Dark
Places".  Sometimes they're just distortion, other times they're reddish
bursts, and of late they're totally different.

>I've only seen short and "downscaled" clips from the WarnerBros WWW site 
>("Falling Towards Apotheosis"), but they sure look different - and better. 

I'd say "better" is in the eye of the beholder.  My wife doesn't like the
new "lightning starballs"-- she finds them too cartoonish, and upon further
consideration I have to agree.  I liked the PPG blasts when they were mostly
atmospheric distortion, personally; totally different from any other show,
and pretty neat looking to boot.

Actually, Tina asked me after "Falling Towards Apotheosis", "What happened
to the special effects?"  She was specifically referring to the PPG blasts
and the "Kosh's head exploding" effects.  After which I told her that the 
old company was gone, off to do ST:V.

Basically, I hadn't noticed any difference, but obviously some people have. 
I assume it's just a learning curve for the artists at Babylonian
Productions.  I hope so, anyway...

Aaron Brezenski
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there isn't someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illuminati


From: sinboy at (Joshua Jasper)
Lines: 24

In article <57plpq$7i3 at>,
Aaron P. Brezenski <apbtjs at> wrote:
>In article <199611292322.AAA07288 at>,
>Mollenhoff <vanne at> wrote:
>>Is it just me, or have the PPG blasts (the "exiting flame") changed from 
>>season3 (Severed Dreams) to season4?
>The PPG blasts have taken several forms over the years.  Compare first
>season blasts with "The Long Dark", and then look at "A Race Through Dark
>Places".  Sometimes they're just distortion, other times they're reddish
>bursts, and of late they're totally different.
>>I've only seen short and "downscaled" clips from the WarnerBros WWW site 
>>("Falling Towards Apotheosis"), but they sure look different - and better. 
>I'd say "better" is in the eye of the beholder.  My wife doesn't like the
>new "lightning starballs"-- she finds them too cartoonish, and upon further
>consideration I have to agree.  I liked the PPG blasts when they were mostly
>atmospheric distortion, personally; totally different from any other show,
>and pretty neat looking to boot.

	Sea Quest DSV used a similar effect with thier stun guns.


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 16

"She was specifically referring to the PPG blasts and the "Kosh's head
exploding" effects.  After which I told her that the old company was gone,
off to do ST:V."

Actually, Foundation was not the sole source of PPG bursts; that's roto
work, and was often done by Kevin Kutchaver, and others not at Foundation.
 Oddly, we just had a meeting about PPG bursts, because we've done about 4
or 5 different versions over the last 4 years.  We decided to go back
closer to the ones in Soul Hunter in future, since they just look nastier.


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