ATTN JMS: Fan Viewings of B5 in the UK

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Dec 9 06:13:24 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Fan Viewings of B5 in the UK
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec  8, 1996: Ali and Dave Hopkins <fn62 at>
+  2: Dec  8, 1996: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
*  3: Dec  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Ali and Dave Hopkins <fn62 at>
Lines: 22

Joe - 

I wonder if you could clarify something please? We all know 
Warner's position on showing episodes and clips at conventions, but 
it has now been suggested that there is a problem showing B5 
episodes to groups of fans at informal meetings.

The statement has been made that is any episodes are shown to fans 
here in the UK which have not yet been broadcast over here, that 
Warner - and you - will be most unhappy and will possibly prosecute 
those concerned. I emphasise that the question is about fan 
meetings, rather than rather than cons, and that these are always not 
for profit. It does seem that this could be unfavourable for UK fandom 
if true, and a great pity if it led to us over here not seeing that which 
our American friends already have!

Would be happy to provide the text of the message concerned, which 
was published on a UK Star Trek newsgroup. 

Many thanks, Ali


From: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
Lines: 28

In article <MAPI.Id.0016.006e3632202020203139413630303030 at>,
Ali and Dave Hopkins  <fn62 at> wrote:

>The statement has been made that is any episodes are shown to fans 
>here in the UK which have not yet been broadcast over here, that 
>Warner - and you - will be most unhappy and will possibly prosecute 
>those concerned.

First off, jms has *never* jumped on people for doing stuff like this.
He can't condone it, it is theft, after all, but he does turn a blind
eye to it.  Second, how is Warner's even going to know about it?
Third, if it's in your house, and it's less than 20 people, it's not a
public showing, and Warner's can't do squat about it.

>Would be happy to provide the text of the message concerned, which 
>was published on a UK Star Trek newsgroup. 

I'd consider the source.  If Warner's was leaning on people it would
be all over this newsgroup.  I'd say that you're hearing an
exaguration of reality.

* Jay Denebeim, Moderator,   *
* newsgroup submission address:   rastb5 at             *
* moderator contact address:      rastb5-request at     *
* personal contact address:       denebeim at              *


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 10

It's Warners' position that the import and exhibition of episodes, at cons
or at fan gatherings, is a violation of international copyright, and yes,
they will prosecute.


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