Attn JMS et al.: Cast and Crew comments

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Dec 10 06:37:37 EST 1996

Subject: Attn JMS et al.: Cast and Crew comments
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec  9, 1996: darcuri at (Cypher)
+  2: Dec  9, 1996: Jill Rogers <jsr1 at>
*  3: Dec  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: darcuri at (Cypher)
Lines: 14

	I've been following this newsgroup for sometime now and I just 
realized something.... I don't think I've ever seen a posting from 
someone at B5 other than Joe.  Do any other the other cast and crew 
members ever jump on line to say hello here?  I know there might be a 
slight chance of someone from B5 posting information that JMS might still 
desire to keep confidential, but I'd love to get some different 
perspectives on B5's production(not that I have a problem with JMS.  It 
still boggles my mind how Joe is able to write a full season and still 
find time to read and answer so many questions posed on this newsgroup). 
Is it possible to have someone else jump on line and answer questions?

Just curious


From: Jill Rogers <jsr1 at>
Lines: 25

Cypher wrote:

>I'd love to get some different
> perspectives on B5's production(not that I have a problem with JMS.  


> Is it possible to have someone else jump on line and answer questions?
> Just curious

Well, it is not quite the same as interacting directly, but there are 
a handful of transcribed AOL chat sessions archived at

with Claudia, Bruce, Jerry, Andrea, Pat, Ann Bruice (costume 
designer), John Iacovelli (production designer) which are interesting. 
JMS 'co-stars' in several of them, adding his special brand of humor. 
(The two with Claudia, especially, are downright funny.)

<*> 52 days until new episode, and counting <*>


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 16

We do encourage our crew to get out there, and some do, but most are
fairly quiet types.  You have some of them over on AOL, pitching in, but
still not as many as could be.

I've taken it on myself to work to get more of our crew out into the
limelight lately, to make sure they get proper attention for their work. 
I dragged George Johnsen in front of the crowd at Worldcon, and again with
producer John Copeland at LosCon a few weeks ago (those were,
respectively, their first times appearing at cons).  


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