ATTN JMS: Tnak you for your wonderfull book

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Dec 24 06:20:07 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Tnak you for your wonderfull book
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec 23, 1996: Walther Steinhuber <w.steinhuber at>
*  2: Dec 23, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Walther Steinhuber <w.steinhuber at>
Lines: 47

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 Two weeks ago I managed to get a copy of your fabulous book "The
Complete book of Scriptwriting". Here in Austria, I had to wait for 3
months to get, but it was worth all the effort. Although I'll probably
never publish a script (the market for German scripts is too small and
my English-knowledge is far too weak) I enjoyed nonetheless reading your
book. I wanted to thank you for the many pleasant hours of reading and
I've just started to read it again.

Thanks again,
a real fan

Walther Steinhuber

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<DT>&nbsp;Two weeks ago I managed to get a copy of your fabulous book &quot;The
Complete book of Scriptwriting&quot;. Here in Austria, I had to wait for
3 months to get, but it was worth all the effort. Although I'll probably
never publish a script (the market for German scripts is too small and
my English-knowledge is far too weak) I enjoyed nonetheless reading your
book. I wanted to thank you for the many pleasant hours of reading and
I've just started to read it again.</DT>


<DT>Thanks again,</DT>

<DT>a real fan</DT>


<DT>Walther Steinhuber</DT>



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

Thank you.  I understand that the book is doing extremely well, and the
reaction so far has been very positive.  Thanks again, and good luck.



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