ATTN JMS: *only* 3 billion people on Centauri Prime?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Dec 30 06:06:26 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: *only* 3 billion people on Centauri Prime?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec 30, 1996: "Miguel Farah F." <miguel at>
+  3: Dec 30, 1996: sankarah at (Chris Campbell)
*  4: Dec 30, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "Miguel Farah F." <miguel at>
Lines: 27


I was thinking about the population on Centauri Prime: it is stated in
_Falling Toward Apotheosis_ that the planet contains three billion
This number, for me, doesn't fit: our planet Earth -today- has nearly
six million people, and me thinks in 2261 Earth will have a population
of at least 10 billion people. It surprises me that Centauri Prime has
so few people, considering it is/was the head of a galactic empire.

As a comparison, the Markab homeworld had two billion people on it
(before Drafa), and that was one world within the Non-Aligned, not so
much a major world as Centauri Prime is.

MIGUEL FARAH                  \ GCS/O d-(pu) s++:+>++: a25 C++ UL+>L++++
miguel at             / P+ L>++ E--- W++ N+++ o+ K+++ w--(+) !O
mfarah at                 \ M- V-- PS+(-) PE++ Y+ PGP-(+) t++@ 5++ / X- R tv(+) b+ DI+ D++ G++++ e+(*) h!>++
#include <disclaimer.h>       \ r-- y?
"Trust me - I know what I'm doing."
- Sledge Hammer


From: sankarah at (Chris Campbell)
Lines: 23

In article <199612300206.XAA31479 at>, "Miguel Farah F." <miguel at> wrote:
>I was thinking about the population on Centauri Prime: it is stated in
>_Falling Toward Apotheosis_ that the planet contains three billion
>This number, for me, doesn't fit: our planet Earth -today- has nearly
>six million people, and me thinks in 2261 Earth will have a population
>of at least 10 billion people. It surprises me that Centauri Prime has
>so few people, considering it is/was the head of a galactic empire.
>As a comparison, the Markab homeworld had two billion people on it
>(before Drafa), and that was one world within the Non-Aligned, not so
>much a major world as Centauri Prime is.

Keep in mind that the numbers will change a lot with the addition of one 
thing--colonies.  Set up shop on local moons or planets and you have a 
wonderful way to ditch half your population at least, likely even more.  The 
number of Centauri in the known universe is probably *much* greater than 3 



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

Basically, I figured with a culture in decline, often the birth rate goes
down; it's also a fairly small world, all things considered...and a LOT of
them live on other colonies, they've been spreading out a lot longer than
we have...and of course they have always been sensible about birth control
and population growth, one of their few wisdoms, and one we could learn


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