JMS CIS Digest: 03-Feb-96 19:52:10 through 04-Feb-96 14:31:05 (16 msgs)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Mon Feb 5 21:55:21 EST 1996


From: jhardin at (John Hardin)
Lines: 424

RFC 1153 Digest of messages from
J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
03-Feb-96 19:52:10 through 04-Feb-96 14:31:05 (16 messages)

WARNING: This digest may contain information about episodes
         you haven't seen yet. Proceed with caution.

Subjects in digest:
        <Voices of Authority>
        <VoA la France>
        Where do baby narn come
        <Dust to Dust>

  Contact me (John Hardin) at <jhardin at> with comments
and requests. I am willing to do limited retrieval of files from
the B5 archives on CIS and posting of messages to the CIS B5 forum.
I reserve the right to delete story ideas from messages I am asked
to post on the CIS B5 forum.
  I am not directly involved with any mailing lists this digest
may appear in. If you have questions about the mailing list,
please send them to the mailing list owner. Mailing list owners
I am aware of are:
  <b5jms-owner at> (B5JMS Poster, b5jms)
  <judge at> (Dirk A. Loedding, jms-posts)
  Replies to this digest currently go to me.



Date: 03-Feb-96 19:52:10
From: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #443673-#<VOA>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444115 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.443673 at>

  RE: The First One at Sigma 957...

  Ok, Joe, what does "Zog" mean?

  And when he/she/it told Ivanova to "return to this place and
call our name", I didn't catch their name (unless it was "Zog"
<g>). What is this species of First Ones called?

  Oh! Another VoA question... That scene with Zack and Political
Officer Julie at breakfast: Did Zack sorta flirt with her because
he had the same sort of interview with her the previous day that
she tried to have with Sheridan the night before? (is that
convoluted enough?)

        -Dupa T. Parrot [Tech Supp SysOp]
        <OS/2 WarpConnect & GCP>


Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:44
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104 at>
Subject: <VOA>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444567 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444115 at>

     No, that wasn't the relationship between her and Zack, much as he
might've wished for it.  As for the walkers at sigma 957...the
recognition signal is their name, which is 15,000 letters long (we had
to cut this line for time).  So I can't really repeat it here.



Date: 03-Feb-96 22:09:56
From: David DeRubeis <75221.2351 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #444190-#<Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444213 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444190 at>

> RE: the arc...the way it's always been structured, given the
> need to ease viewers slowly into it, is that season 1 had maybe
> 4-5 really strong arc episodes; season 2 had maybe 8; season 3
> is almost equally 50/50; season 4 will have an even higher
> number of arc episodes; and season 5 is nothing BUT arc stories.

I can see the logic in that, although what really drew *me* in
was realizing that there *was* an arc.

By the way, I noticed in the Houston Chronicle that channel 20
purchased the rights to season 4 of B5 at the NATPE meeting last
week.  How does that work? Do the stations order the show, and
then if there are enough orders Warner renews the series?

David DeRubeis


Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:45
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: David DeRubeis <75221.2351 at>
Subject: <Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444568 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444213 at>

     Correct.  There's a certain number of stations you have to have
to make the syndication deal work financially.  You get that number,
you get the pickup; you don't, you don't.



Date: 04-Feb-96 00:19:10
From: Jeffrey Martino <73477.1506 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #<VoA la France>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444281 at>


Please, please, tell me I didn't imagine that line from Marcus
about the French.  It was so quick.  Those watching VoA with me
couldn't understand why I was ROTFL.

Loved the First-One floating head.  Put me in the mind of
"Zardoz" <g>.  Looks like the Vorlons aren't the only Ones who try
to impress the young races.

Many thanks for an awesome new episode!  Chock full o' arc
elements from the past, and new ones pointing forward.  The superb
GC was worth the wait, as well.


P.S. I never pictured the typical zampolit looking like Shari
Shattuck.  Maybe the USSR would've lasted longer...


Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:48
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Jeffrey Martino <73477.1506 at>
Subject: <VoA la France>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444569 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444281 at>

     You didn't imagine it....

     Part of what appeals to me is the idea that the English/French
animosity you often see (though clearly not in all cases) would
continue not only into the future, but outside Earth.  Realistically,
if you go into Europe, you find people holding grudges 500 years old,
or more.  Seemed appropriate to carry this small one forward as well.



Date: 04-Feb-96 08:30:02
From: Randy Upshaw <75464.1275 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #444188-#<Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444330 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444188 at>


Thanks for the reply. Perhaps you and everyone else are correct
and I am so invloved in this story that I can't wait (which is the

> after episodes 8-10 have aired

Are we going to see these before another rerun cycle? Are B5's
ratings in an area that are going to support a 5 year run? I
thought that Earth2 was good but we saw how long that lasted. I
know that B5 has been around now for 2+ seasons but it has not
been easy to keep up with were it was and what times.

Any way no mater how I feel about the speed of the story B5 is
the best SI Fi that I have  ever seen.



Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:51
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Randy Upshaw <75464.1275 at>
Subject: <Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444570 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444330 at>

     We'll see 8 and 9 in this current cycle, yes.  #10 will be aired
in the next batch, in late April/first of May.



Date: 04-Feb-96 08:34:11
From: Gerald Himmelein <100417.3703 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #444107-#Where do baby narn come
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444339 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444107 at>

> I don't recall saying or implying that.

It was phrased as a question. <g>

 - Kind regards,
   Gerald Himmelein
   [How many personalities do you have?]


Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:54
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Gerald Himmelein <100417.3703 at>
Subject: Where do baby narn come
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444571 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444339 at>

     Yes, it was.



Date: 04-Feb-96 09:38:37
From: David Cerreta <72630.3433 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #<Dust to Dust>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444363 at>


Nothing is black and white in your Babylon 5 world, is it?  Who
would have thought that at the end of this episode I would be more
frightened of Kosh than of Bester?

In all, the story turned out to be nothing like I suspected it
would be.  In fact, after the first ten minutes I still didn't
know where this would lead. That says good things about the writer
because you turned a familiar premise right on it's ear.

Overall what looked to be a non-arc related episode became very
much arc related.  Watching what was happening to G'Kar was
painful and how he might be set up by Kosh at the end was very
disturbing.  I hope his sacrifice is not overwhelming, whatever it
turns out to be.

I think Bester came across the more three dimensional than he had
in any of his previous appearances.  For the first time I got the
sense that he wasn't necessarily in total opposition to Sheridan,
et al on Babylon 5. Having said that, what Garibaldi said at the
beginning was proven true by Bester's final remarks as he left the
station.  His agenda always comes first.

Thank you for giving us a few more tidbits about Talia Winter's
fate. Although I'm not sure I believe Bester's supposed slip about
dissection, I wonder if she is still alive.  Only the Great Maker

Vir really appears to be maturing and I look forward to his big
episode later this season.  Londo apparently has reached the nadir
of his fall with G'Kar's attack and maybe we'll see the bit of
redemption you've mentioned in his planned evolution through the
five years. I'm so pleased that not a single character remains
that I don't feel SOME sympathy for.  Anyone who looked at the
first season and said, "G'Kar is a bad guy, Londo is a foolish
drunk, etc.," trying to pigeonhole characters, well, they'd be
quite surprised to see these third season episodes.  Even Kosh has
moved straight to the middle.  I think the Gray Council is
appropriately named for its color represents much of what is going
on here.

I speculate not on story lines but on the final resolution, some
two years from now.  I don't think anyone watching will walk away
just saying, "The Good Guys won, the Bad Guys lost, that's the way
stories tend to end."  No matter who 'wins' or 'loses' I suspect a
discerning viewer will know that there will always be a little
gray around the edges that divide the winners and losers.

Dust:  I like the idea of this drug.  It is reminiscent of, at
least most recently, Cameron's Strange Days, and the selling of
actual human experiences. It is a strong weapon.  I won't
speculate on its use as a weapon later in the series.

Another excellent episode. Shouldn't disappoint the faithful.

By the way, I'm sure you've heard about Patrick McGoohan
executive producing the film version of the Prisoner.  As excited
as I was to hear that, I knew that meant the likelihood of him
appearing on B5 before it ends had now dropped almost off the
screen.  Or maybe not...any news on that front?

Best, Dave


Date: 04-Feb-96 14:30:56
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: David Cerreta <72630.3433 at>
Subject: <Dust to Dust>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444572 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444363 at>

     We'll approach McGoohan when we have a script good enough for his

     RE: Bester...thanks.  I'd decided a while ago that the next time
we saw him, he either had to win, or he had to be right.  If he lost
again, it'd cut his credibility out.  This gave me a chance to do some
interesting things with him.  He's a fascinating guy...a creep, and I
wouldn't trust him for a second, but fascinating nonetheless....



Date: 04-Feb-96 12:10:57
From: Neil Blevins <102226.3566 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #444187-#<Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444437 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444187 at>

> If you're talking about the conference room scene...Draal
> wasn't put into the scene digitally.  You do a split screen,
> with the camera locked off.  In one Delenn walks over to a point
> just short of the line; in another you get a shot just of the
> wall; then Draal walks up.  You then use a dissolve technique to
> fade him into the room on his side of the split screen.  But
> he's not being put *into* the room, he's already there, so he's
> neither bigger nor smaller than he is in real life, since he IS
> in real life there, not added in.

Yes, It was someone else that said draal seemed too big. I was
actually complimenting you on doing a better job with the effect
than in TLTS. In that episode, you really could see at what point
the actor was and wasn't in the room. He'd be in the room, and
then, you'd cut to him, and his body seemed to be lighted
differently than the rest of the room.

In VOA, he blended in much better with scene, like when he
appeared behind ivannova on the planet. Was he digitally added at
any point in that episode? Or did you use the same "dissolve
technique", I assume you use some form of digital filter that
dissolves between a picture of the empty room and a picture of him
standing in the room.

- Neil


Date: 04-Feb-96 14:31:04
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Neil Blevins <102226.3566 at>
Subject: <Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444574 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444437 at>

     We shot two plates, first with him in the machine, then him out,
never moving the camera, so it matched exactly.



Date: 04-Feb-96 13:51:17
From: Elizabeth <76202.563 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #444188-#<Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444512 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444188 at>


Up to now there seem to be only sure airing dates for VOA and the
3 or 4 that follow it.  Is there going to be another rerun break
after these, or do you know yet?



Date: 04-Feb-96 14:31:05
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Elizabeth <76202.563 at>
Subject: <Voices of Authority>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.444575 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.444512 at>

      I think there's a break until late April/first week of May.



End of JMS CIS Digest 03-Feb-96 19:52:10 through 04-Feb-96 14:31:05

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