JMS on AOL: 02/12/96 to 02/13/96

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Tue Feb 13 16:13:46 EST 1996

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: Kevin P Mooney <kpmooney at acsu.Buffalo.EDU>


The following is a compilation of the posts of JMS on AOL.  If you have
comments or suggestions, please e-mail me at <kpmooney at>

WARNING:  Possible spoilers may lurk below.

ObSpoiler space:

Subj:  Re:M.B.Roddenberry Apperance
Date:  96-02-12 03:49:36 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

She appears in the last episode airing this month, before the rerun break,
"Point of No Return."


Subj:  Re:Number of Episodes
Date:  96-02-12 03:51:07 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

Every season of B5 has had 22 episodes, including this one.


Subj:  Re:Cthulu in B5
Date:  96-02-12 03:53:37 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

There's a whole tapestry of related fiction of this sort...Lovecraft was one
practitioner, so was Dunsany, Clark Ashton Smith, August's a
grand tradition of SF.


Subj:  Re:JMS: Who was the VofA?
Date:  96-02-13 05:50:00 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

I figured that some elements of the First Ones should be consistent with one
another; others should have specific differences.  Using Ardwight
subliminally reinforced some of the consistencies.


Subj:  Re:Can you rerun B-2?
Date:  96-02-13 05:50:26 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

We're working on convincing WB to do this.


Subj:  Re:Susan Ivanova
Date:  96-02-13 05:51:11 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

Yes, she does, including a variation on her father's name as her middle name.


Subj:  Re:VOA: The "Goods" on Clark
Date:  96-02-13 05:52:02 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

As it happens, the info about Clark's doctor was also released a bit later,
which we'll hear about by the end of this month.


Subj:  Re:Writing for TV
Date:  96-02-13 05:53:52 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

I think it came out of the fact that Garibaldi doesn't trust ANYthing about
Bester, and that it's not out of the realm of possibility for Bester to find
some way to defeat the drug.  If not, then his line was basically another way
of stating "What the ___ are you pulling and why are you doing it and why the
hell didn't you TELL me you were going to do this before pulling it?"


Subj:  Re:Help!
Date:  96-02-13 05:54:32 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

It's my understanding that the station will show the last part of the show it
clipped right before the next new episode.  So tune in early.


Subj:  Re:Instant Gratification
Date:  96-02-13 05:55:54 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

What's being lost here, though, is that this show operates on the level of
metaphor as much as it operates out in the open.  The shadow war is also the
war within ourselves as much as it is Out There.  So Nightwatch, the
political situation back home, are shadow wars of their own.  

That said, however, there's shooting aplenty in the course of this season.


Subj:  Re:G' kar as a telepath ?
Date:  96-02-13 05:56:35 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

What, you don't think G'Kar would look good in a bikini...?


Subj:  Re:Psi Corps ethics
Date:  96-02-13 05:58:10 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

Because it takes a certain amount of power, effort and skill to get detailed
information about someone.  A P5-P7 can get strong emotions, some details, in
brief bursts, but they're not always  as good on the big picture.  A P10 is
needed for strong scans, particularly if the person is resisting.  That means
a psi cop, and they're all registered.


Subj:  Re:Londo's retribution?
Date:  96-02-13 05:58:56 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

Correction: the terms of the surrender stated that for every Centauri
*KILLED* 500 Narns would be executed.  Londo wasn't killed.



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