ATTN: JMS: Position on Captain Power?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jul 2 06:20:53 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS: Position on Captain Power?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul  1, 1996: Rob Langenderfer <roblang at>
*  2: Jul  2, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Rob Langenderfer <roblang at>
Lines: 30

I continue to enjoy B5 tremendously.  I can't wait to see the final
5 episodes from season 3.  Years ago, I used to watch Captain Power
fairly often when it was on TV.  JMS, I was wondering, what exactly
was your position on that show.  Did you have the final say-so on
scripts or the final say-so on everything (like on B5) or were you
just a member of the writing staff who had your work edited by a
higher authority?  I'm just curious, I enjoyed Captain Power quite
a bit, but not as much as Babylon 5.  You have mentioned that you
are going to hire other writers for season 4.  Do you know how many
of the scripts you will write yourself?  Although there have been
some good scripts by other people, for the most part, I definitely
feel that your scripts are the best ones that have been done and
they certainly have the characters down to a tee.  (I can almost
always tell when someone else has written an episode of the series
because Delenn is characterized differently than when you write it.
It's not a big difference, but it does seem like other writers
generally write her with a more suspicious agenda that might not be
for the best contrasted with your writing that always shows her to
have the best interests of life in general at heart even though
her actions many occasionally be mistaken.)  I certainly hope that
you write a lot of the stories because I think season 3 was definitely
the best season so far, and those scripts were all written by you!
If you could, e-mail to my own account as well as to the moderated
newsgroup because I currently don't have access to it.
Thanks, and keep up the great work!
                                       Rob Langenderfer
                                     roblang at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

I was the story editor on Captain Power.  The show was created by Gary
Goddard, not by me.  I was brought in to basically run the story part of
it once he had sold it.  In that capacity, I was more or less left alone,
and could do what I wanted (though the first episode has a lot of Gary's
fingerprints all over it).  Some of what we did there was pretty good; in
other cases, I wouldn't mind if the negatives fell off a pier somewhere
and were never seen again by humankind.


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