Attn: JMS - Director's cut of re-runs

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jul 3 06:15:41 EDT 1996

Subject: Attn: JMS - Director's cut of re-runs
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul  1, 1996: de351 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA (K. C. Lee)
*  2: Jul  2, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
+  4: Jul  2, 1996: hshubs at (Howard S Shubs)
*  5: Jul  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: de351 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA (K. C. Lee)
Lines: 12

I have been wondering whether or nor it would be possible to see a
director's cut of re-run in the next season.  ie a sequence of shows in
all the previous seasons (ie 1 to n) that are key sequences to the main
story line. That would allow us to refresh ourselves or newbies to catch
up during the re-runs season.  I am kind of suprised that few/no shows has
done that. 

I would understand there might be licensing reasons for not doing so.

K. C. Lee


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Can't be done; also, there is no previous cut, only avid-generated
computer files with the images, not film...and they wouldn't be director's
cuts, but producers' cuts.



From: hshubs at (Howard S Shubs)
Lines: 13

In article <4rabfh$eis at>, jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)

>Can't be done; also, there is no previous cut, only avid-generated
>computer files with the images, not film...and they wouldn't be director's
>cuts, but producers' cuts.

You guys use Avid VideoShop?

Howard S Shubs  hshubs at
The Denim Adept hshubs at  Is this the right room for an argument?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 21

Yes, the files are deleted, because they take up a hideous amount of
space; several massive hard drives worth per episode.

As for the pilot, John Copeland and I have discussed from time to time
going back, redigitizing all the footage from the pilot, and then
re-editing it the way we now do on the series...putting back the 20
minutes of footage, re-scoring it, tightening it up, putting in all the
lost character'd be a very different film.  Course, it'd cost
us about $150,000 to do it, which we'd have to pay for since WB won't, so
that's a long-away dream.

(We also learned that the place where WB stored the footage, and some of
our props, had rats...and some of the original negative footage may be
gone forever.  Along with bits and pieces of some of our original props
and sets, now residing in rat cells.)


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