Joe - RebelCon & Michael O'Hare

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jul 8 06:19:59 EDT 1996

Subject: Joe - RebelCon & Michael O'Hare
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul  7, 1996: jdutka at (John Dutka)
+  2: Jul  7, 1996: atwater at (Susan Atwater)
*  3: Jul  8, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jdutka at (John Dutka)
Lines: 53

This is pretty much posted for everyone, with one or two silly questions
directed at Joe.

Just getting back from RebelCon in Taunton, MA about 15 minutes ago, I thought
I would summarize the show for those who weren't able to attend.

Mojo was the first speaker I saw and the time went by rather quickly.
Answering questions and describing the process a bit, he played one tape of
CGI from Severed Dreams and some examples of matte painting used in the
series.  I must say, some of the mattes were incredible and if it wasn't for
this speech, I would never have known they weren't live sets.  Think that
favorite set of yours is real?  Perhaps not.

The next speaker was James Sloyan, who I unfortunately missed, since the ending
five minutes I did manage to see were wonderful.  Following James was Pat
Tallman, Richard Biggs, and Michael O'Hare, who were engaging, entertaining,
and also ever so slightly...silly.  They field the standard questions asking
about their ideal job, stories of their auditions for B5, future plans,
requests for spoilers, and there was an odd little joke from Richard along
with Michael describing the Minbari prosthetics and their similarity to
certain producers and Pat the prosthetic gills used for Lyta.

Following this was an auction for charity, with Richard and Pat serving as the
auctioneers.  I'm under the impression that if Richard wasn't an actor, he'd
be a salesman.  The highest draw was a Foundation Imaging jacket, which
sold for $350.

My only complaint about the show was how they handled autographs.  Oddly, they
sent the 3-day pass holders in first instead of the 1 day visitors.  Normally,
one would think the 1 day visitors would be sent in first as the 3 day pass
holders could try for autographs the remaining two days.  The wait was long and
a bit frustrating (just under 2 hours) but any annoyance was well worth it.
Not only were all the guests friendly and entertaining, they were generous
enough to pose with con visitors and sign autographs throughout the day, when
they could have easily been resting in their hotel rooms.  To summarize, it
was a rather enjoyable day, Massachusetts highway construction aside.

For my first question, do you know if the EA Pins produced by Solar Forge &
Metal Arts (based in Canada) are cleared with the Babylonian Productions/WB
seal of approval <tm>?

My second question may sound odd, but well, that's because it is...
Joe - has Michael (O'Hare) always had that obsession with guillotines or was
this probably just an unusually silly mood? :)

| John A. Dutka, Jr.       | Micro Credo: Never trust a computer bigger than  |
| jdutka at         |              you can lift.                       |
| |                                                  |
| CTWare Software          |__________________________________________________|


From: atwater at (Susan Atwater)
Lines: 18

In article <4rn8cn$3ae at>, John Dutka <jdutka at> wrote:
> Following James was Pat
>Tallman, Richard Biggs, and Michael O'Hare, who were engaging, entertaining,
>and also ever so slightly...silly.  
>My second question may sound odd, but well, that's because it is...
>Joe - has Michael (O'Hare) always had that obsession with guillotines or was
>this probably just an unusually silly mood? :)

Thanks for these notes from the con.  I'd really like to hear more about
what Michael O'Hare is like when he's in a silly mood!  Got any more
anecdotes/quotes/descriptions to share?  
Susan Atwater  |  atwater at  |  
"There are two kinds of people:  those who finish what they start"


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

"do you know if the EA Pins produced by Solar Forge & Metal Arts (based in
Canada) are cleared with the Babylonian Productions/WB seal of approval

No, they're definitely unlicensed, pirated, illegal.


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