ATTN:JMS Redemption

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jul 23 06:08:54 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN:JMS Redemption
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul 21, 1996: <105150.2050 at>
*  2: Jul 22, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: <105150.2050 at>
Lines: 36

First, thanks for creating a work of extraordinary scope, depth, and detail.
B5 is a culmination in my life of an interest which began at the age of 6,
when I made my father take me to the first run of THEM (advertised as
Terror Horror Excitement Mystery!)  The only other sf experience which
compares is 2001 (I missed two days of college classes after seeing it
because I felt "in shock" and had to go back several more times immed-

My main purpose in writing is to ask if you feel an affinity with Wagner's
Ring Cycle.  The vast scale, multiple complex characters, sense of wonder
and, particularly, musical complexity and nuance of Wagner's masterwork
seem to resonate in me on a similar wavelength to B5.  The evolution of 
characters and evolution of music are similar.  Please know that the musical
ambiance and development of B5 are deeply experienced and appreciated.
And as the final cataclysm of Gotterdammerung fades under the waters of the
Rhine, it is the Redemption theme which is left sweetly sounding.  I will be
very surprised if Redemption is not a major chord resounding at the
conclusion of B5.

Parenthetically, somehow I am able to passionately love Wagner's music
despite his odious personal life and ideas and despite the use of his music
for Nazi purposes.  One senses that your convictions do not produce this 
type of difficulty, as exemplified by Vir's playing Schindler to the Narn.
I watch the show in New York City.  Are there things that we fans can do to
optimize chances of success?  I would be willing to storm the Warner
Brothers Studio Store on 5th Avenue if it would help.

Creating and writing B5 must be extremely tiring and frustrating.  But, as you
know, the war is never over.  Keep fighting and keep in mind that some of
us see this effort in terms of historical artistic creation rather than a sci-fi
TV show (sorry to sound so pompous and pretentious).  Thanks again.

CAB, MD (Physician and Phanatic) 


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

Thanks.  From where I sit, you can't just play the damnation card in
drama; you have to also play the redemption aspect.  When you look at the
early Twilight Zones for instance, you see redemption there as much a key
issue as a Bad Guy getting what's coming to him.


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