Attn JMS: fan club problems

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jul 30 06:08:53 EDT 1996

Subject: Attn JMS: fan club problems
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul 29, 1996: willik at (Karen Denise Williams)
*  2: Jul 29, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: willik at (Karen Denise Williams)
Lines: 17

Ok.  I'm aggravated at this point.  I sent in my fan club app with a
check during the first week it was on the 'net.  I waited patiently.
When you posted (2 weeks ago) an e-mail address for the man in charge,
I quietly e-mailed him notification that I had not received *diddley*.
I didn't get an e-mail reply and still haven't gotten anything from
the club.  Now I noticed that he's advertising on Compuserve, the app
package again.  I'm sorry.  But he's not taken care of those whose $$
he already has, he doesn't need to advertise more.  

Joe, you've been so careful to see that the merchandise would be
quality.  I am disappointed to see that you'd let this type of service
be associated with your show.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 21

Karen: we recently found that the post office sent back whole *packages*
of the fan club material to us, which they held onto for almost two
months.  We used two different post offices for the mail drops; we used
the same amount of money for the mailing on all the mail drops, what the
first one told us it should be, and that was fine...the second decided it
should be more, never told us, and just sent the stuff back after a while.

There've been similar problems with the mailings, though many people are
now getting their stuff.  Jim's been flooded with messages -- he showed me
a stack two inches thick -- and he's processing them as fast as he can. 
Better to solve the hassle and get them out again than answer each one of
the emails.  

This is a new venture, remember, there's some shakedown time.  Jim's
dancing as fast as he can.  You'll either get a reply or a packet soon.


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