score one for you, JMS

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 2 06:25:07 EDT 1996

Subject: score one for you, JMS
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jun  1, 1996: c4winds at (Clan of the Four Winds)
*  2: Jun  1, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: c4winds at (Clan of the Four Winds)
Lines: 23

I was just talking to a friend of mine, who is a long time Trekkie (ie
he's seen every episode at least 5 times) and we got to talking about
B5,  how he'd just discovered it a few months back, and become
addicted like the rest of us, and I said "So what about Voyager?" and
he said " Voyager? What's that? I don't even watch it anymore."
His next comment was "and where the h**l do I get copies of all the B5
episodes I missed??"
Poor dear he never saw Babylon Squared so he was more than lost, it
took a good 2 1/2 hours of explaining. Thank all the gods and the
Vorlons too for the Lurker's webpage!

(for some unknown reason I can't get rastb5.moderated, so I guess
anyone can e-mail me with responses. If His Straczynskiness says
anything, I'll probably see it in the digest, eventually.)
   Clan of The Four Winds
Good guys dont always wear white
    c4winds at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Well, if he's your friend, then his good taste had to struggle out from
under the shadow of alternate programming sooner or later....


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