JMS: re. Double-Runs in LA!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jun 18 06:22:24 EDT 1996

Subject: JMS: re. Double-Runs in LA!
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jun 14, 1996:
+  5: Jun 16, 1996: John Beaderstadt <beady at>
*  6: Jun 17, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


Lines: 28

>      .......  Yes, the numbers and support led right to renewal.  I should
>mention that the domestic ratings have grown enough that one of the major
>station groups has committed its stations to return double-runs of episodes for
>the coming year, so Los Angeles and a number of other markets will be getting
>two showings per week again.

The new gets better and better (now if you could only tell us that we *don't*
have to wait until the fall for new eps <g> I know, "in the fullness of time").
I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that KCOP in LA will double-run B5 
again (starting when?). I missed the first run of the shows a lot during the
1st & 2nd season and the second showing had a lot to do with getting me 
"hooked". It's good to know that I'll get a second chance if my VCR screws
up (of course, it's never *my* fault).

BTW, do you shoot in Burbank? Just curious since that's where I live and I
pass the studios a lot.

Please add my "Congrats" the the pile! Hope you're planning on some R&R.
We're depending on you to guide B5 through 2 more years and we wouldn't
want to see a repeat of Harlan's scare (glad to hear he's doing well).

---- Gary ----
"this line under construction"


From: John Beaderstadt <beady at>
Lines: 12

John M. Garth wrote:

> In San Jose you can see B5 twice a week on KBHK 44, so you're not
> losing the double showings by moving.

Move to Alburg, VT.  I can see each B5 at 11 PM, Tuesdays and Fridays, on 
independent WWBI, Plattsburgh, NY, and at midnight, Sunday night, on 
CFCF, Montreal.  [gloat, gloat] 
"The fortunate man knows how much he can safely leave to chance."
                                       -- Lady Barbara Hornblower


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 15

Thanks; yes, LA will be getting the double runs, as will Chicago, I
believe, and a number of other stations, based on the continuing
improvements in ratings.

BTW, to anyone looking on...sorry I've been silent of late.  I was in the
UK for over a week, and I'm still on the jetlagged side, trying to catch
up.  Have been quiet all around lately, just trying to get my head back
into whatever time zone I'm in, and gearing up for year 4.


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