ATTN: JMS Early Inspirations????

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jun 27 06:12:07 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS Early Inspirations????
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jun 26, 1996: BROOKER_ERIN at Tandem.COM
*  2: Jun 27, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: BROOKER_ERIN at Tandem.COM
Lines: 27

    I like most of the people who write to you have been watching your show
since its' inseption. I however, and possibly others have always felt this
sense of the familiar about it, that I've never until now been able to put
my finger on. All the praise that has been heaped upon you, is well
deserved, and hard earned, but it never explained these "feelings". Then
it occurred to me that I was seeing new faces ond clothing on old friends
from a universe that has always been comfortable to me in a terrifying way.
Let me explain:
   In March of 1977 a new publication was released by National Lampoon Press
that was at that time considered to be the cutting edge of avante garde
graphics publications. It featured the work of european graphics novelists
such as Caza, Driullett, Moebius, Corbin, et al. It ran stories such as
"Conquering Armies", "The Long Tommorrow", "Urm the Conquerer", and "1999".
When I realized that I wasn't seeing your story per se, but a universe that
could fit so easily into the background of your universe, I couldn't help but
wonder if some of the universe from that once great magazine, wasn't in some
small way an inspiration for your universe. The name of the magazine
was Heavy Metal.
Erin Brooker


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

The awful thing for someone of my generation to admit...I never much
liked, or read, Heavy Metal magazine.  The artwork generally just bugged
me, it seemed on the garish side, overdone, so obviously an attempt to
bring in barely post pubescent males who tip over at the slightest glimpse
of a breast, drawn or no, I never saw (or don't remember
seeing) any of the material you mention.


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