A message from JMS

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Mar 27 14:41:33 EST 1996

This is a message from JMS in regards to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated
having just passed by a whopping 2241 yes votes to 109 no votes.  FYI.

B5JMS Poster.
<b5jms-owner at majordomo.cs.columbia.edu>

------- Forwarded Message

Path: news.cs.columbia.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!news.msfc.nasa.gov!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!deepthot.cary.nc.us!deepthot.cary.nc.us!denebeim
From: denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us (Jay Denebeim)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5
Subject: A message from JMS
Date: 27 Mar 1996 05:02:04 GMT
Organization: Deep Thought
Lines: 35
Message-ID: <4jai4c$5ie at deepthot.cary.nc.us>
NNTP-Posting-Host: deepthot.cary.nc.us

I just got a letter from Joe, he said I could post it, so without
further adue (I'm correcting his misconception on story ideas):

>From straczynski at genie.comTue Mar 26 22:03:42 1996
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 96 02:42:00 UTC 0000
From: straczynski at genie.com
To: denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us
Subject: YES!

     That's great news, and confirms what I had been saying for some time,
that *hundreds* of people had been driven away by the constant and
abusive harrassment.  They want back in, in an environment where they can
have fun.  Great news.

     As far as setting up a feed...it's not necessary.  Because the
group can now be made safe from story ideas, there's no need for any kind
of filtering device.  I can now use the AOL news reader, which for the
first time will allow me to follow threads *and* quote from messages much
more easily.

     (I also just got an earthlink account, which should let me do the same
thing, but I'm still feeling my way around how the system works; in time
I'll probably switch over.)

     Congratulations to everyone who fought so hard for this.  I look
forward to hanging around with the same friendly bunch at the water cooler
as soon as it's shoved up against the wall and plugged in.

     (You can post this publicly if you choose.)

- -- 
Jay Denebeim			denebeim at deepthot.cary.nc.us
Fuck censorship!  Oh *shit* there goes another 100, er $200,000

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