Does JMS post here????

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat May 11 06:32:18 EDT 1996

Subject: Does JMS post here????
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: May 10, 1996: Tesarta at (Kevin Munoz)
+  2: May 10, 1996: babylon4 at (James R. Kapesis)
*  3: May 11, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Tesarta at (Kevin Munoz)
Lines: 20

In article <3192ffc1.51474501 at>, morris-beast at
(Morris-Beast) wrote:

>just wondering....I see a lot of ATTN: JMS posts, but not a songle post from
>him.  I though that this was what this group was for.  I've been away from ALL
>B-5 newsgroups since JMS left the other group, and I was under the impression
>that this group was created for the purpose of having JMS come back.  Has this
>happened?  Is this GOING to happen?  What's going on?

This group was not created for the purpose of JMS' return. It was created
to ensure
spoiler protection and civility among the general newsgroup populace. A
side effect
is that JMS does read and post here.

Kevin Munoz
Tesarta Industries, Incorporated
Makers of the Persona RPG ---


From: babylon4 at (James R. Kapesis)
Lines: 14

morris-beast at (Morris-Beast) wrote:

>just wondering....I see a lot of ATTN: JMS posts, but not a songle post from
>him.  I though that this was what this group was for.  I've been away from ALL
>B-5 newsgroups since JMS left the other group, and I was under the impression
>that this group was created for the purpose of having JMS come back.  Has this
>happened?  Is this GOING to happen?  What's going on?

JMS post here, but only when he feels like it.  If you have a question
he feels like answering he does, if not he stays away.  He is far less
active here than on Compuserve,  when I was there I asked him lots of
questions and he answered every one of them.  The questions I ask him
here have not been answered except one.  I've found if you criticize
or complain about something to him, its more likely he'll answer you.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 16

Re: being less active some ways it's the interface, which I find
kind of cumbersome...mainly, though, right now there ain't much on my end
to talk about.  Overall, my posts to all the nets are down right now,
because when we're in hiatus -- and this forum went up right as hiatus hit
-- all is shut down, and there ain't much going on to tell folks about. 
One becomes something of a balloon with the air let out.  And, natch,
there's the annual anxiety of waiting for word.  Once things start gearing
up, and we get word, I'll have more to talk about.  Otherwise, I just
hesitate to fill up space with words just to hear the sound of my own
voice.  I'm kinda like Marcus that way, I talk when I have something to
say that might be remotely interesting to people.


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