ATTN JMS (and everyone else) : Why reruns after only four eps?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 20 06:11:47 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS (and everyone else) : Why reruns after only four eps?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 19, 1996: striker at (Joel Berger)
+  5: Nov 19, 1996: jsciv at (Joseph Cochran)
*  6: Nov 19, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: striker at (Joel Berger)
Lines: 9

According to Lurker's, the eps following "Falling Towards Apeothosis"
will all be reruns.  I don't get it!  We've waited a long time for
season four.  Why are we being subjected to reruns after only
four episodes? 


From: jsciv at (Joseph Cochran)
Lines: 17

In article <56qt7h$cvt at>,
Joel Berger <striker at> wrote:
>According to Lurker's, the eps following "Falling Towards Apeothosis"
>will all be reruns.  I don't get it!  We've waited a long time for
>season four.  Why are we being subjected to reruns after only
>four episodes? 

	Remember that for the non-net types, it's been *9* new 
episodes in a row. That's not a bad run given the fact that there 
are only 22 eps a year.

This is a .sig proxy.
jsciv at


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 12

Yes, it was just 4 of 4, but you also had the last 5 of season 3, so
that's 9 in a row.  

Basically, WB airs the show during sweeps periods.  That means you've got
November, February, May and sometimes July.  They've always done this.


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