Attn: JMS: Writing season 4

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 2 06:18:36 EDT 1996

Subject: Attn: JMS: Writing season 4
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 30, 1996: Cheryl.Thompson at
*  2: Oct  1, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Cheryl.Thompson at
Lines: 40

     To begin with, I'd like to congratulate you once more for your
achievements of writing all of Season 3 and winning the Hugo!  Every fan I
know is impressed as hell, and delighted with the show so far.  (Though leaks
about the Final Five are making some of us a little nervous. ;) )

     I've been reading a number of posts (Re: cons and your health) in which
fans have expressed concern about you taking on the burden of writing another
season in its entirety again.  Obviously, you will do what you wish and need
to do, and we'll be very glad of every line of dialogue and every scene & CGI
description that comes from your keyboard.  Equally, obviously, we're all
always concerned that you get enough rest and set some time aside for
yourself.  And, in connection with that, I have an idea...

     I remember that your wife wrote the script for 'By Any Means Necessary'
during the first season.  Loved the ending for that one!  I was wondering to
what extent she looks over your shoulder when you work, so to speak.  Is she
involved in creative discussions when Harlan is over your place?  Is she
otherwise occupied with projects of her own?  The point I'm driving at is
this:  if she's at all up to speed with where you're heading in season four,
could she co-write an episode or two with you, or perhaps write one or two on
her own as she did during the first season?  For that matter, how is Harlan
doing? Would he be able to write an episode or two, or co-author one?

     Just a thought.  Selfishly, I'd prefer every word remaining be written by
the creator of the series himself!  But that -is- selfish.  Please consider
getting a bit more than 4 hours sleep a night, every once in a while in the
coming year.  We promise to treat any guest author kindly, knowing they're
helping you with your awesome load.

     In the meantime, I'll be setting the VCR for 2:00 A.M. this next Saturday
morning (Walkabout, in Philadelphia, at the hands of WPHL-17 :(  )  Oh, ...and
inspite of my very sincere words of concern above, if you've laid one keyboard
hand on Marcus' virtual head in the final five ... the galaxy isn't big enough
to hide you.  ;)

Sherry (restless for new shows, and furious at WPHL-17) Thompson


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

Basically, nobody sees anything until it's in first draft form.  Harlan
functions on an as-needed basis; if I have a question, or if there's an
area which could benefit from his input, I call him in, but for the most
part, the scriptwriting is a one-person affair.  The job of the writer is
to listen to the small voice in the back of his head, and too often too
many voices just get in the way.


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