Cons and Your Health WAS: Re: ATTN JMS: Bizarre Story

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 2 06:38:42 EDT 1996

Subject: Cons and Your Health WAS: Re: ATTN JMS: Bizarre Story
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 29, 1996: jegolf at (J.M.Egolf)
-  2: Sep 29, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
+ 20: Oct  1, 1996: sinboy at (Joshua Jasper)
* 21: Oct  1, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jegolf at (J.M.Egolf)
Lines: 48

In article <52kn0i$mbp at>,
Jms at B5 <jmsatb5 at> wrote:
>Only east-coast convention currently planned for sure is Necronomicon in
>October, though there are some discussions ongoing with ICON and MIT wants
>me out one of these years.  The problem is always in finding enough free
>time for a trip that far when we're shooting.  It knocks the hell out of
>me, and if I fall down, the show trips as well, and I can't afford that. 
>It's nuts...I threw my back out badly a week or so ago, and I could watch
>the dominoes teeter slightly in terms of script delivery to prep to
>post...someone on the set joked "when joe gets a cold, B5 sneezes." 
>Obviously we're now back up to speed, though.

> 							jms

Two thoughts -- 

One, as much as we'd enjoy having your own sweet self *anywhere* east of
the Continental Divide, B5 is your baby. If you're too exhausted to enjoy
it, that's not fair to you. Maybe you could send one of the other
producers in your place to some of these cons? (Your resident "Media Sex
God" comes to mind <g>)

<slightly drooling fan mode on>

Secondly, as everybody here is going to tell you, *take* *care* of* 
*yourself*, okay? At First Contact Con in Milwaukee last night (approx 
1/5 of convention came to B5 panel, btw) somebody was showing "The Making 
of B5" in their room. A number of people there had seen you at WorldCon, 
or had seen various pictures of you with the Hugo, and a number of 
comments were made about how much you had aged. Part of it's the beard, I 
know, and I'm not for a second suggesting you should stick around til 
you're 120 by never again ever doing anything difficult or stressful, 
BUT -- 

-- I think most of us here would prefer you "lasted the night", okay? 
Burn your candle at both ends, fine, but do you need to use sparklers for 

<going back to behaving herself>

    J.M. ("Jamie") Egolf
   <*> jegolf at <*>
"We find meaning where we can." 


From: sinboy at (Joshua Jasper)
Lines: 24

>You forget something:  Harlan *never* keeps anything in.  He lets his 
>anger out in a normal healthy way *directly* at the people who deserve 
>it.  E.g., fans, editors, comptrollers of Evil Publishing Empires, Spiro 
>Agnew.  If everyone expressed their emotions as healthy as Harlan does, 
>we'd all look as good as him and live to 120.  The world would be a 
>happier place because all the assholes would have been strangled by then.
>Of course, Harlan could be using a Magic Ring or maybe he's just the Tom 
>Bombadil of speculative fiction.

	I one heard a story about how he got sued for libel by the guest 
of honor at a roast he was speaking at. Quite a bit of nastyness there, 
on bolth sides. He won the suit btw.

>Travers Naran -- Computer Programmer and part-time meddler in time & space
>tnaran at,naran at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

(enter embarrassed, chagrined mode)

Folks, it's okay...I'm fine.  I get kinda ragged some days, but it goes
with the turf, like I said.  I come from a fairly long-lived family,
mainly out of spite....


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