Att JMS: BabPro Responsibilities? WAS Re: Cons and Your Health

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 2 06:48:45 EDT 1996

Subject: Att JMS: BabPro Responsibilities? WAS Re: Cons and Your Health
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct  1, 1996: jegolf at (J.M.Egolf)
*  2: Oct  1, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jegolf at (J.M.Egolf)
Lines: 35

Sorry -- got so carried away with the mushy stuff I forgot to ask my 
actual question --

<extremely hesitant and respectful mode on>

*Are* there things we can take to somebody else besides you? Or, to come 
at it from a different angle, is there somebody else to whom we can 
direct some of this stuff?

I don't mean the creative stuff -- the kudos and brickbats about the 
story. I mean the peripheral stuff -- "Is this whatsit legal 
merchandise?" "When are we getting the tapes?" "We want to show clips 
from the show at our next B5 panel -- what are the rules on this?" etc. 
etc. etc.

I notices you referred someone to John Copeland regarding a problem they 
were having with -- I realize he doesn't post here, but 
would he be willing to accept some e-mail questions on this kind of 
stuff, to be x-posted here? Is he an appropriate person to involve?

<extremely hesitant and respectful mode off: very puckish mode on>

Or are you determined to not let anybody else work harder than you do,
("Never ask those under your command to do something you won't do
yourself") no matter how your adoring followers try to protect you from

<BIG grin!>
    J.M. ("Jamie") Egolf
   <*> jegolf at <*>
"We find meaning where we can." 


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

John Copeland is a producer on the show, a line producer (technical term).
 Problem is, he's only on AOL.  I try to direct people to the right areas
in general terms -- if there's a fan club question, go to Jim Lockett at
jplb5 at, for instance -- but basically, I'm here, and if a question
comes my way, I kinda have to answer it because there's nobody else here
to do it.


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